GeekGirlCon Presents: Cocktail Connections
GeekGirlCon is hosting our very first Cocktail Connections! Come out to connect and engage with other geeky professionals, and enjoy Lunchbox Laboratory’s infamous cocktails as well. Professionals of all flavors and persuasions are welcome, whether you are a gamer, a scientist, a writer, a pop culture fanatic, or any other kind of geek. Mark your calendars and bring your business cards! Here are the details:
April 11, 6pm-8pm
Lunchbox Laboratory (upstairs in the game room)
1253 Thomas St, Seattle, WA (map)
Networking and Socializing!
There will be prizes! Get yourself some GeekGirlCon swag!
Free! Don’t worry; food and drinks are available for purchase.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there. Bring a friend and make some new ones as well!
Wish I lived closer! I’d try to make it, but with rush hour traffic, there would be no way. Have a great time!
We wish you did, too, Becca! We will be hosting more in the future, so perhaps a future date will work out.
Darn! I’ll be at a conference in Las Vegas… sounds like a great time though!