Panel Highlights: From Overwatch to Esports, All Things Gaming
It’s official. There’s exactly one week left until #GGC17! I don’t know about you, but I can barely contain my excitement. I’m so excited, in fact, that when I’m not busy working on final touches for the con with the rest of the GeekGirlCon staff, I’ve distracted myself with one of my geeky hobbies of choice: gaming.
Throughout the last few weeks, we’ve been rounding up all of the panels at #GGC17 with Panel Highlights. Previous Highlights have covered panels on Social Justice, Diversity and Inclusivity, GGC After Dark, Fandom, and Pop Culture. Today, I’m going to talk about some of the Gaming panels we’ll be hosting!

Mercy from Overwatch
Who doesn’t love Overwatch? As a Mercy main, I was giddy to find out that Lucie Pohl was going to be one of our Featured Contributors. In the panel Can’t Nerf This! Diversity in Overwatch, we’ll discuss Blizzard’s revolutionary cast of characters, and how Overwatch has taken historic leaps in introducing more diversity and inclusion to gaming.

Felicia Day in Supernatural
Over the last few years, esports have taken off and more and more women are wanting to get involved–and nothing’s stopping you from joining in! Women in Esports: How to Get Involved in Competitive Gaming will explore how to get involved. Panelists Morgan Romine, Lilian Chen, and Emily Sun will talk about finding or creating new opportunities in Competitive Gaming, whether competing, hosting, or commentating, and much more.

Anne Munition
These are but a few of the panels in our amazing lineup. Make sure to check out our full schedule, and we’ll see you next week!