
A Huge Thank You from All of Us

Image source: @Trickstresscosplay

One of the hardest things about GeekGirlCon is that point on Sunday night when you realize that the con is coming to its inevitable conclusion. It’s such a bittersweet moment, but it’s also a good time to reflect on the cultural phenomenon that is GeekGirlCon.

GeekGirlCon was founded on the simple principle that anyone should be welcome at the proverbial table of their geeky choosing, be it STEAM, cosplay, gaming, comics, or more. Since our inception, we’ve worked hard to make a space that is inclusive, diverse and accepting of geeks of all types and stripes: no matter what you’re passionate about, GeekGirlCon has a place for you. What unites us isn’t the genre of our fandoms, or whether we’re tabletop or video games (why not both?), or what makes us smart; what unites us is that we are a community of people who commonly experience a deep love for their chosen geekdom. It’s the quintessential geek identity that brings us together.

One of the greatest things about GeekGirlCon is that, throughout the con, you get to see these moments that stay with you: Tiny Jyn Erso giving Death Star plans to all the Leias she saw, the number of kids on the gaming floor and in the DIY Science Zone learning new ways to geek out, how the room for the Women of Color meetup was packed, the amazing and inspirational art from the exhibitor floor. Here are some of our favorite moments from the weekend:





YOU are why we put this convention on. But, it doesn’t have to be over just yet. While you’re basking in the warm afterglow of your newly discovered friendships and fandoms, we’re already at work planning future GeekGirlCon events. And we’d love for you to be part of it.

Let us know your thoughts about the con, sign up to get notified about upcoming volunteering events, or even join the staff or the board! We always welcome new ways to contribute and get involved, so if you came to the con the past weekend and thought, “I could do this,” or you thought, “I’d like to be part of this,” then get in touch with us!

Even if you can’t contribute the time to GeekGirlCon, there are still other ways to help out! You could, for example, consider donating to our organization.(Don’t forget that GeekGirlCon is a 501(3)c nonprofit and is eligible for employer matching!) Or you can stay in touch with us via all of our social media modes: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.

So, even though the convention is over, GeekGirlCon lives on throughout the year. And we’d love for you to be part of it. Our strongest component is our community; we wouldn’t be doing any of this without your love and support. So, with a nod to one of our most beloved cosplays this weekend:

Thank you for being a friend. <3

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JC Lau
“Rock On!”

JC Lau

Previously disguised as a college professor and family lawyer, JC Lau is an Australian video game journalist and writer living in Seattle.

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