Agent applications open for GeekGirlCon ’16!
Although GeekGirlCon is unique in a variety of different ways, you can enhance your con experience by helping us out! We have just opened our applications for agents (and special agents) for GeekGirlCon ’16!
What is an agent, you ask? Agents are our army of volunteer helpers who do a range of awesome tasks. From answering questions from convention attendees to setting up A/V equipment or leading games of pictionary, agents are there to make sure that our con runs smoothly and that everyone has an awesome time.

GeekGirlCon is entirely volunteer-run, and at convention time we really need help to fill out our ranks! Last year, we had 150-180 volunteer agents, and this year, with the fourth floor expansion, we’ll have room for more.
Interested? All we ask is that you’re over 16, are enthusiastic about our mission and are available to work for part of October 8-9. Apply here before July 1st! We’d love to have you at the con!