
Announcing Jane Espenson as a GeekGirlCon Special Guest!

Jane Espenson

GeekGirlCon adds television writer and producer Jane Espenson as a special guest. Espenson will appear at GeekGirlCon on Saturday, October 8th at the EMP Museum’s Oral History Live!, GeekGirlCon’s “Whenodnistas” panel, and to greet fans at the convention. Espenson has worked on such renowned programs a Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, The O.C., Dollhouse, Game of Thrones, and Torchwood: Miracle Day. She currently writes for ABC’s Once Upon a Time and is a co-writer and the producer of the original web-series, Husbands. She is also a co-creator of Syfy’s Warehouse 13.

Espenson joins curator of Battlestar Galactica: The Exhibition, Brooks Peck, for an intimate 90-minute interview at 1:00 PM at EMP Museum’s JBL Theater. Tickets are required for this event and available for $10.00 through Brown Paper Tickets (http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/192821). GeekGirlCon pass holders can receive a code for 50% off discounted tickets to this event by emailing info@geekgirlcon.com. Visit empmuseum.org for more information on the museum’s Oral History Live! program.

Espenson, who did a special interview with the book’s editors for Whedonistas: A Celebration of the Worlds of Joss Whedon by the Women Who Love Them, will also appear at GeekGirlCon’s “Whendonistas” panel on October 8th at 5:30 PM at the EMP Museum’s JBL Theater. In addition to Espenson, the panelists include Whedonistas contributors Nancy Holder (October Rain, The Watchers Guide), Teresa Jusino (Tor.com), and Mariah Huehner (IDW Comics). Hear these women talk about their essays, examine Whedon’s work, and read excerpts from the book. A pass to GeekGirlCon is required for entry.

Espenson grew up in Ames, Iowa where she watched too much television, and at age 13, she attempted to write an episode of M*A*S*H. She studied linguistics at UC Berkeley. While still in graduate school, Espenson submitted spec episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, thereby wedging her tiny foot into the last open door of show business.

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