Announcing: The First-Ever Annual GeekGirlCon Fashion Show
Written by GeekGirlCon guest author Lisa Granshaw
After I attended GeekGirlCon for the first time in 2013, I was hooked. It was unlike any other convention I had attended. Its friendly environment and focus on important topics faced by the community not often given attention elsewhere made the convention a must-visit and more than worth the trip across the country for me.
I’ve been attending ever since, and each year I host a panel about geek fashion, a topic which has been very important to me over the last few years. I believe fashion can be an empowering force for women in the geek community and that it’s important for it to be accessible to all women so they can express their passion for their interests.
Considering GeekGirlCon’s mission and my own recent efforts to write and speak about how empowering geek fashion can be, I thought about how the convention could be a great place for a diverse fashion show. With its goals, GeekGirlCon could host a different type of show for the geek community that not only could spotlight the amazing, empowering geek fashion created by fantastic local companies, but also discuss what still needs to be improved in the industry so everyone can show off their geeky side.
It’s amazing how a small idea has now bloomed thanks to the talented efforts of the GeekGirlCon staff into the first-ever GeekGirlCon Fashion Show in partnership with Espionage Cosmetics and PNW Fattitude.

At the con this year, we will have an amazing group of models joining us on the runway to display a range of great geek fashion. The designers will be talking with us about what inspires them and how they got started combining their geeky interests with fashion.
I’m honored to be hosting the show and hope you will join us Saturday, October 10, at 8 p.m. in room 301/302 in the WACC! The first 100 attendees will receive a free swag bag filled with items from our sponsors and everyone will get a raffle ticket for great prizes.
Raffle prizes and swag bags are sponsored by:
Espionage Cosmetics
Her Universe
Insert Coin Clothing
ThinkGeek Solutions
Optimystical Studios
Arctic Phoenix Studios
Nerd Cred
GeekStar Costuming
Studio Catawampus
Come decked out in your own great geek fashion and share the experience on social media with the hashtag #GGC15Fashion!