
April Geek About Town!

We have a whole bunch of awesomely geeky events for April! Check them out!


Sunday, April 3: TEDxRanier Salon: The Functions of Fantasy

Doors 1:30pm, Event 2:00-4:00pm, EMP Museum

Tickets $5

Explore how works of fantasy create surprising and compelling stories at this TEDxRainier Salon.

Join us for a viewing of select TED Talk videos followed by a hosted conversation that explores how works of fantasy create the stories we love, featuring fascinating and relatable beings within imagined worlds. How do we dream and detail the imaginary into reality? What happens when we immerse in fantasy and believe it into being, and where can things go from here?


$5 off general EMP admission to any TEDxRainier Salon ticket-holder with proof of purchase to the event. Come early and take a magical journey as you explore a showcase of Fantasy artifacts in EMP’s exhibit, Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic. Meet outside the Fantasy gallery at 1:00pm for a curator-led tour.


Monday, April 4 – Wednesday, April 6: Power Up! Gaming Days

10:00am-5:00pm, EMP Museum

EMP is inviting families and aficionados of all levels to explore the groundbreaking world of contemporary video games at this three-day pop-up arcade with Nintendo.

From mainstream to independent games, see first-hand how the gaming community is pushing the envelope with new technology, creativity, and interactive possibilities.

Nintendo is bringing us the latest titles for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in a Sky Church pop-up arcade where you can test out your gamer skills and start leveling up with games like Super Mario Maker™. Then enjoy game play on the massive Sky Church screen, where you can challenge your friends to a game face-off!

Don’t miss EMP’s dynamic, immersive gaming exhibit, Indie Game Revolution. From navigating through a handmade puzzle world in Lumino City to duking it out in a pixelated world in Nidhogg,the exhibit features a playable look into 20 rotating independent games from around the globe.


Tuesday, April 5: Microaggression: Power, Privilege and Everyday Life

7:30, Kane Hall 130, UW Campus

Tickets $5

The realities of prejudice do not reside in acts of separation and violence alone. In this lecture, Touré expands on microaggressions – the subtle acts of hostility and “othering” faced by minorities as they navigate society.

Touré is a music journalist, author, cultural critic and television personality. He was a co-host of the TV show “The Cycle on MSNBC. He was also a contributor to MSNBC’s “The Dylan Ratigan Show,” and the host of Fuse’s “Hip Hop Shop” and “On the Record with Fuse.”

Touré taught a course on the history of hip hop at the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music, part of the Tisch School of the Arts in New York. He is the author of several books, including “The Portable Promised Land: Stories” (2003), “Soul City: A Novel “(2005), “Who’s Afraid of Post-Blackness? What It Means To Be Black Now” (2011) and “I Would Die 4 U: Why Prince Became an Icon” (2013).


Thursday, April 7 – Sunday, April 10: Emerald City Comicon!!

Washington State Convention Center

Tickets $20 (Thursday only)

Emerald City Comicon is the premier comic book and pop culture convention in the Northwest, taking place in beautiful downtown Seattle, Washington.


Thursday, April 7: Top of the World Board Game Extravaganza

9:00pm – 2:00am, Columbia Tower Club, 701 5th Ave., 76th Floor

GA Tickets: $59, VIP $175

Why: Because you love to game. Because you love helping a good cause. Because the top of the Columbia Tower is the tallest publicly accessible point west of the Mississippi River. Because there are LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in prizes (games!) to be won, all generously donated by members of the gaming community. Because there’s no other organized gaming at ECCC on Thursday night. Because you took Friday off anyway, right?

GA tickets include a plated buffet dinner and all the games you can play! VIP dinner starts at 5:30 so as to not cut into your gaming time, and will include a plated, 3-course meal with a game designer. Also included in the VIP package is a SWAG bag, 2 drink tickets and a private gaming area.

We will have game designers present playing the games they’ve created. Anyone will be able to walk up and play games with them. We will also have a lending library, but if you have a favorite game, please feel free to bring it!
COSPLAY IS ENCOURAGED! This is ComiCon Weekend. Wear your costume! We will have prizes for the best cosplay.

As this is a not-for-profit charity event, all proceeds above the cost of putting on the event will be donated to The Imagine Guild, in support of Children’s Hospital.


Friday, April 8: Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage

8:00pm, Paramount Theater

Tickets $35-75

Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage brings five decades of Star Trek to concert halls for the first time in this galaxy or any other.

Celebrating 50 years of Star Trek, this lavish production includes an impressive live symphony orchestra featuring the franchise’s groundbreaking and wildly popular musical achievements while the most iconic Star Trek film and TV footage is simultaneously beamed in high definition to a 40-foot wide screen.

The concert will feature some of the greatest music written for the franchise including music from Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Star Trek: Insurrection, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and much more. This never-before-seen concert event is perfect for music lovers, filmgoers, science-fiction fans and anyone looking for an exciting and unique concert experience.


Friday, April 8: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

7:00pm-10:45pm, Wayward Coffeehouse, 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA

Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find CodenamesLove LetterSplendorKing of TokyoVöluspáslashAlien FrontiersLocke & KeyCoup,TokaidoSuperfightThe ResistanceColt ExpressSkull and RosesSettlers of Catan7 WondersToc Toc WoodmanFLUXX, and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee.


Tuesday, April 12: An Evening with Jacqueline Woodson

7:30pm, Great Hall, Town Hall Seattle

Tickets $15-60

In the conclusion of this year’s Women You Need to Know series, Seattle Arts & Lectures is bringing poet extraordinaire Jacqueline Woodson. Her most recent work Brown Girl Dreaming (winner of the 2014 National Book Award for Young People’s Lit) focuses on Woodson’s experiences growing up as an African American in the 1960s and ‘70s. Crossing cultures and states, she’ll share the inspirations–the relatives, the friends, the locations–that made this book possible, giving us a small taste of what it was like for her to let go and remember. Woodson is the author of numerous other books, including Beneath a Meth Moon (2012), Peach Locomotion (2009), Hush (2002), and Miracle’s Boys (2000).


Wednesday April 13: The Benefits of a Career in Science

Doors open 7:00pm, event at 7:30pm, Downstairs at Town Hall Seattle

Tickets $5

What’s it like being a woman in the field of science? Award-winning scientist Hope Jahren’Lab Girl is an examination of this question, but it’s also so much more. In conversation with The Stranger’s Sydney Brownstone, she’ll share anecdotes from her decades-long career and the thrill of pursuing your dreams. She’ll also share highlights from her field research on the trees, flowers, and seeds of the Midwest and, most recently, Hawaii’s lush flora and fauna. From explaining the way a seed first starts to sprout roots and how willow trees clone themselves, she’ll peel back the layers of the natural beauty others might take for granted. She’ll also make a case for pursuing a career in science, despite its more challenging aspects.


Thursday April 14-Sunday April 17: EMP Pop Conference 2016

EMP Museum

Explore the role of voice in music at EMP’s Pop Conference 2016, showcasing ambitious music writing of every kind from fans, scholars, journalists, and more.

The EMP Pop Conference returns with its biggest roster of presentations yet, looking at the ways music lets us hear voices: singers, to be sure, whether virtuosos or idiosyncratic originals, but also other types of vocalizing. How do instrumentalists insert their selves into their music? When the dominant voices in our songs change, what changes with that, from personal identity to collective messages? A switch in voice—from croon to rasp to rap to Auto-Tune—alters everything it reaches.

In dozens of panels, all free to the public (though we strongly recommend advance registration), we’ll explore musical voices across genre and time period: soul singers and rock singers, singers of exotica and Mexi-Cajun blues. Panels on goth-punk wailer Siouxsie Sioux, warbling rapper Future, and pop-rock duo Hall & Oates. Synthetic “vocaloids” and challenges to female decorum. Singing across lines of color. Good bad singing and bad good singing. Vocal coaching. Southern accents.


Friday, April 15-Saturday, April 16: Fussy Cloud Puppet Slam Volume 11

8pm, Theater off Jackson, 409 7th Ave S

Tickets $12 in advance/$15 at the door

Nothing is certain but death, taxes and puppets. Not sure that’s quite how the saying goes? Behold! Fussy Cloud Puppet Slam returns with a brand new show, just in time for tax day. Once you’ve crossed all your eyes and dotted all your teas, come spend your sweet rebate at our cabaret-style puppet show for grown-ups. (Puppets count as dependents, right?)

A proud member of the national Puppet Slam Network, Fussy Cloud Puppet Slam aims to promote and support the puppetry community in the Pacific Northwest through our ongoing performance series. A place to be creative, quirky and experimental, every Fussy Cloud features a variety of fascinating short works by puppeteers from the Pacific Northwest (and beyond)!

“One of the key aspects to Fussy Cloud is welcoming acts that are being performed for the first time,” said producer Rachel Jackson. “Puppeteers work in solitude for so much of our process. But our work doesn’t truly become a performance until it is witnessed by an audience. Fussy Cloud provides this critical last element to puppeteers who might not otherwise have it, and does so in an environment that is designated as a safe space to experiment.”


Tuesday, April 19: All Geeks, All Games at Mox Boarding House!

6:00pm-10:00pm, Mox Boarding House, 13310 BelRed Rd, Bellevue, WA

Our All Geeks, All Games events are growing in popularity! Join GeekGirlCon and Mox Boarding House in Bellevue and help us continue to expand our community of diverse and inclusive gamers to the East Side!

Help us fill that beautiful Tournament Room with folks enjoying our favorite games in a safe and accepting atmosphere. Why mess with the headache of traffic when you can come and play games with us instead.

Staff from both organizations will be on hand to help facilitate gameplay for the shy to the extroverted, from the expert strategist to the board game neophyte. With a huge lending library of games on hand, there will be something for everyone!

As an added bonus, if you play a board game from their library and love it, you can buy a fresh copy for 20% off! How cool is that?!


Wednesday, April 20: Teaching Girls About Sex

Doors open 6:30pm, event at 7:30pm, Downstairs at Town Hall Seattle

Tickets $5

For many parents, talking to children about sex is hard and, according to Peggy Orenstein (Girls & SexCinderella Ate My Daughter), it’s even harder to discuss the subject with growing girls. Because of sexual assault rates on college campuses, the emphasis placed on virginity, and female-focused words like slut, young women have a harder time navigating the murky waters of sexual activity. She’ll explain the extra pressures placed on girls (from teens through college) and explore the gamut of sex-related topics: views on STIs, LGBTQ-specific concerns, porn, purity pacts, hook-up culture, proper sex ed, and rape. This event is not just for parents and teachers. Orenstein’s advice will speak to anyone who knows—or is—a young woman. This event will be moderated by Town Hall program director Katy Sewall.


Friday, April 22: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse! dice

7:00pm-10:45pm, Wayward Coffeehouse, 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA

Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find CodenamesLove LetterSplendorKing of TokyoVöluspáslashAlien FrontiersLocke & KeyCoup,TokaidoSuperfightThe ResistanceColt ExpressSkull and RosesSettlers of Catan7 WondersToc Toc WoodmanFLUXX, and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee.


Saturday, April 23-Sunday April 24: 45th Annual First Nations@UW Spring Powwow

10:00am-6:00pm, Alaska Airlines Arena at HecEd, 3870 Montlake Blvd, Seattle

Welcome to the 45th Annual Spring Powwow hosted by First Nations:
Master of Ceremonies: Grant Timentwa
Arena Director: Anthony Bluehorse
Host Drum: Rocking Horse
Grand Entries: 4/23 at 1PM & 6PM, 4/24 at 1PM
All questions can be directed at the Powwow Chair D.j. Personius through message or through email at uwpowwow@gmail.com
Concessions is student led and based on volunteers. First Nations run the stand and proceeds lead to our dancer and drum payouts.


Saturday, April 23-Sunday, April 24: Blue Highway Used Board Game Auction

2203 Queen Anne Ave. N., Seattle

We are gearing up to host our annual auction for used games.  It is silent auction format with new waves of games closing every hour.

  • Sell Used Games: April 4 – April 17.
  • Buy Used Games: Sat/Sun April 23/24

We take gently used board games & jigsaw puzzles.  You set the start price for each game and the full sale amount comes back to you in store credit.

Use this Submission Form.


Saturday, April 30: focsArtsFest fundraiser for Families of Color Seattle

11:30am-2:30pm, Nectar Lounge, 412 N. 36th St., Seattle

Tickets $50 (2 adults, 1-3 children) or $30 (1 adult, 1 child)

FOCs is helping parents and children to have a strong sense of community, advocacy and pride to counter the prevailing biases through using a race and social justice lens and providing a counter-narrative in our parenting classes and social media.
Help FOCS to connect more parents to build a loving community of families of color! Dance party with our kids and get down to the premier Seattle sound with our city’s best and FOCS ARTS global teaching artists! Afrofuturism, Hip-Hop, reggae, R&B, traditional and modern dance, W. African, soul, Brasilian, Latin… This is FOCS, we are Seattle!

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JC Lau
“Rock On!”

JC Lau

Previously disguised as a college professor and family lawyer, JC Lau is an Australian video game journalist and writer living in Seattle.

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