
Are You Ready For #GGC18?


We’ve still got a little ways to go, but the GeekGirlCon staff can’t begin to tell you how excited we are for ‘18 convention. As of my posting this, we’ve got about 192 days until the con commences on the morning of October 27th. We’ve still got a some planning to do ourselves, but there are a few things you can do right now to prepare for a weekend of fun as we celebrate diversity in popular culture.


Pick Up Your Passes

Passes are currently available for purchase online and are still listed at early bird pricing. Make sure to grab yours now before they go up, because the sale will be ending on May 1 at 11:59 PST.

…and at that price, maybe you’ll grab a couple for your kids, your favorite in-law, or your sister. There’s something for your entire family at GeekGirlCon (and we mean that!)


Book Your Hotel

This year, we’re ecstatic to be reviving our partnership with Hotel Max in downtown Seattle the weekend of the convention! A few city blocks away from the Conference Center at the WSCC, Hotel Max is giving you a special GeekGirlCon room rate of $169 Thursday through Sunday evening.


Finish Your Programming Submission

Looking to do something a little more hands-on, or have a great idea for a panel at GeekGirlCon ’18? Never fear, there’s a little more time to submit your programming application! We’re still accepting applications for panels, panelists and moderators, performances, events, workshops, and tabletop hosts. But make sure to submit yours soon, because applications close on Monday, April 30 at 11:59 PST.


Apply To Become An Exhibitor

Interested in bringing your wares to GeekGirlCon? We’re also still accepting exhibitor applications until Monday, April 30 at 11:59 PST. Each year I spend an obscene amount of time perusing the tables of the exhibitor hall, enamored with everyone’s work—so whether you’re an independent artist or shop owner, the GeekGirlCon community thrives on creativity and this is the perfect way to express and share yours.


Stay tuned as we continue to sculpt your perfect convention, where every geek is free to participate in the conversation, share their passions, and express what makes them unique. GeekGirlCon ‘18 is all about being loud and being proud of who we are, and we’re thrilled to share that experience with you.

See you this fall!

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Indigo Boock

Indigo is a freelance writer & narrative designer in the games industry. She is grossly obsessed with her cat, classic tropes in horror, and loves recreating food from Studio Ghibli films.

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