
Ask GeekGirlCon: Do You Plan to Cosplay at GeekGirlCon ’14?

Has it sunk in that GeekGirlCon ‘14 is just five days away?! That fact still doesn’t feel quite real to me, but I’m glad that it is! While there will be thousands of awesome things to do there, one of my personal favorites parts of the Con is seeing all the crazy-creative cosplay. Many GeekGirlCon staff members get in on the fun too, and we wanted to give you a sneak peek into some of our ideas so you can spot us over the course of the weekend.

Kristine Hassell, Social Media Manager and President of the Board, describes her first foray into cosplaying and her plans for this year. “Despite attending conventions for many years, I cosplayed for the first time ever during GeekGirlCon ’13 with a group of fellow staffers and friends. I had an absolute blast so when the opportunity returned this year, I jumped at the chance! Most of last year’s group will be returning with new members and surprises. I was a punk senshi Luna last year and this year, I’ll be a punk senshi Sailor Mars! I’m an old school punk at heart anyway, so costuming this was an easy walk down memory lane. I can’t wait to show off the new work on my jacket and take a group photograph with my fellow senshi (and friends). Lastly, one of the best parts of doing this particular group cosplay is that each Scout will have stickers to give attendees if they can find us on the floor. Last year, it was so cute to have children find me on the floor and muster up the courage to ask me for a sticker or a photograph!”


Tiffany Smith, Meg Humphrey, Kristine Hassell and Sammy Ng

Photo credit: Sammy Ng

Even though life gets extra busy during Con season, Copy Writer Jess Downs is still down for dressing up. “I had grand plans for a new cosplay, but life intervened,” she describes, “so I’m going to recycle the Rainbow Dash outfit I made for GeekGirlCon last year. At least I have gotten a brand new wig since then!”



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Accounting Manager Karen Hampton also understands how hard it can be to find time to put together a full cosplay outfit. She explains, “I won’t be able to cosplay this year, although I do have some flashy accessories and makeup I’m looking forward to wearing. I loved seeing the cosplayers last year. Among my favorites (you’re all my favorites!) were a Bee & Puppycat cosplayer and a genderbending young man dressed up as Aeris from Final Fantasy VII, with a full-on beard.”

bee and puppycat

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Adrienne Roehrich, Manager of Editorial Services and Vice President of the Board, is excited to cosplay as well. “On Sunday, my ‘Cosplay, Parenting, and the Word ‘Appropriate’’ co-panelist Mary and I will be cosplaying Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters, respectively. Neither of us have done that cosplay before, so I don’t have pictures, but we decided to coordinate our cosplay only a few weeks ago and needed something we could each put together in a relatively short time-frame that we both have enjoyed. Even though I’ve cosplayed at Sakura-Con and ECCC, I’ve never cosplayed at GeekGirlCon, and I’m looking forward to this.”


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As a huge fan of strong female characters, this year I’ve decided to cosplay as Carmen Sandiego. I also enjoy travel, being sneaky, and making tons of puns, so I think she’s perfect. Please feel free to come up and say hi at GeekGirlCon ’14 — if you can spy me running around! If you haven’t yet, purchase your passes now, and get ready for an unforgettable weekend!


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AJ Dent
“Rock On!”

2 responses to “Ask GeekGirlCon: Do You Plan to Cosplay at GeekGirlCon ’14?”

  1. Elisabeth says:

    I didn’t dress up the first year of GGC and sure wished I had! Fortunately I have many awesome t-shirts. Second year husband and I managed a closet-cosplay Nine and Rose. Last year he was the 3rd Doctor and I was the 5th. This year we’ll be 3rd Doctor and Liz Shaw for one day; the other day, I’ll be the Ninth Doctor and he’ll be an exciting new variation on the Black/White Guardians involving a rubber ducky. 🙂

  2. Maya Dvorak says:

    This will be exciting. I think I have a costume in mind already. Can’t wait to see other GGs out there!

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