Ask GeekGirlCon: What geekery are you looking forward to in 2014?
With the start of the new year, it is time to look at the fresh calendar and fill it up with the events of our lives and of our interests. I asked GeekGirlCon staffers what things and events of geeky origin they are looking forward to in 2014. Here’s what they had to say.
Copy Writer SG-1 responded off the bat with an event all of us at GeekGirlCon can agree upon. “I’m definitely looking forward to GeekGirlCon ’14. As a Copy Writer, the vast majority of my work is completed before the convention doors open, so going to the convention, meeting other convention-goers, seeing friends I’ve made from past conventions and other geeky events over the years, and attending the panels I’ve been writing about for the program book is really what it’s all about for me. Meeting people I’ve admired for years–like GeekGirlCon ’13 guest Denise Crosby–is the icing on the biggest cake I can imagine. I can’t wait to see what we put together for this year!!”
Copy Writer AJ Dent gave us another event many staffers attend (including me!). “Other than GeekGirlCon ’14 (!!), in 2014 I’m most looking forward to the Emerald City Comicon at the end of March. I missed it last year, and can’t make that mistake again! Having grown up watching The Princess Bride and Robin Hood: Men In Tights almost religiously, I’m mega-excited that actor Cary Elwes will be attending. I also recently learned that Richard Dean Anderson, aka MacGyver, briefly went to the same college I did, St. Cloud State University! I’ll probably awkwardly blurt this out if I get the chance to meet him, then ask him if we can be friends. Because I’m smooth like that.
I think 2014 is going to be an awesome year!”
UX Designer Kathryn Storm is into games and gadgets and gave me a few she is looking forward to this year. “Elder Scrolls Online and Below, both for Xbox One. Particularly, what I’ve seen as far as gameplay from Below looks so beautiful and captivating. I’m also looking forward to some biometric and virtual reality releases for gaming this year. And considering an Airo (probably the most interesting health monitor I’ve seen) even though I just bought a FitBit Flex. So many lovely gadgets!”
Customer Service Manager Brittany Edwards continues with expected games in 2014. “Most of my geek origin story is rooted in PC gaming, so it’s only natural that what I’m most looking forward to is in that vein. The first PC release I’m looking forward to is Shadowrun: Dragonfall, new content for Shadowrun Returns, an amazing turn-based RPG I backed on Kickstarter situated in the Shadowrun universe, an intricately crafted cyberpunk/urban fantasy world. New content for Diablo III, titled Reaper of Souls, is something I’ve been eagerly awaiting since the original game’s release for PC in 2012. Both are scheduled to be released the beginning of this year.
“In addition to those, an MMO addition to the Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, etc.), aptly titled Elder Scrolls Online, is slated for an as-yet-undetermined release date sometime in 2014. I discovered Elder Scrolls late in the series, but I found the universe interesting and engaging in prior single-player iterations- and MMOs are one of my favourite PC game genres. I have been desperately seeking something to fill the hole World of Warcraft left in my heart, and I have high hopes for Elder Scrolls Online in this regard. Time will tell!”
President of the Board and Twitter Administrator Kristine Hassell will be spending a good portion of her time in the movie theater. (Believe me, I will be too!) “It would be daft not to say I was excited about our fourth convention but I’m also looking forward to the roster of geeky films hitting the local cinemas throughout 2014. There are almost too many films for me to name-check but here is my short list:
“On March 14th, Veronica Mars returns to Neptune for her ten year reunion. Let the snark begin! April 4th brings Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I can’t wait to see Black Widow again and meet Falcon for the first time. X-Men: Days of Future Past opens on May 23rd. Singer returns to the X-Men franchise and I have high hopes to see what they do with the Uncanny X-Men story lines.
“August is a busy month for comic book fans. On the 1st, we get Guardians of the Galaxy. Remember Benicio Del Toro’s cameo at the end of the last Thor? The Collector is back and we get Vin Diesel as Groot! On the 22nd, one of my favourite Texans, Robert Rodriguez returns us to Sin City for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.
“Katniss and co return on November 21st in another Mockingjay and rounding out the year’s geektastic film offerings? The final installation in The Hobbit trilogy on December 17th!”
What are you looking forward to this year?
Written by Adrienne M. Roehrich, Manager of Editorial Services