
Ask GeekGirlCon: What is your favorite part about attending cons?


Written by Adrienne M. Roehrich, GeekGirlCon Manager of Editorial Services

With GeekGirlCon ‘13 coming up, it seemed appropriate to get the staff of GeekGirlCon to share what they love about attending cons. Some of the staff are long-time convention attendees with a dozen and more cons under their belt, while others are going to attend their first con this year—GeekGirlCon ‘13.

GeekGirlCon Volunteer Program Manager, Jessica “Jex” Ballard, responded to the question: “I really love the community that surrounds a convention. It’s a way to meet people you wouldn’t necessarily meet in your day-to-day life. A chance to geek out about things with others instead of by yourself. A chance to surround yourself with people that like that same thing you do. In fact, most of the people in my life I’ve met through one convention or another. I’m addicted, and I’m ok with it.”

Jex with Kim Evey (producer), Jeff Lewis (Vork), and Sandeep Parikh (Zaboo) of The Guild at PAX '09

Jex with Sandeep Parikh (Zaboo), Jeff Lewis (Vork), and Kim Evey (producer) of The Guild at PAX ’09

Copy Writer AJ Dent has loads of enthusiasm for this topic: “While my con experiences may be limited, my enthusiasm for them knows no bounds! In March 2013, I attended my very first convention, the anime-focused Sakura-Con at the Washington State Convention Center. I was so enamored with the creative cosplayers and energetic atmosphere, it inspired the longest haiku poem I’ve ever written. As I’d made the decision to go at the last minute, I was without a costume—and what a bummer! I’m definitely not making that mistake again at other cons. Other than that fun factor, I appreciate these events for their ability to connect like-minded people. They serve as sounding boards for innovations, personal insight, and problem-solving in a variety of communities. I’m pumped to swap stories and inspirational ideas with everyone from nerdy newbies to geekdom pros at GeekGirlCon ‘13. Hope to see you there!”

Cosplayers practicing their poses at Sakura-Con

Cosplayers practicing their poses at Sakura-Con

It is clearly evident GeekGirlCon President of the Board and Twitter Administrator Kristine Hassell adores cons. “It was hard to single out the one thing I love about attending conventions. I love the lack of sleep, the bottles of Oi Ocha that become my fuel, and the excitement over panels, and what creative cosplay will cross my path…and I even love the soreness that comes with traversing all over the convention floor. Okay… maybe not that far, but I got carried away.

Barret Wallace and a pair of Finns

Barret Wallace and a pair of Finns

If hard-pressed to name a single thing, it’s that feeling of community that spontaneously happens when you’re surrounded by your peer group. I love meeting new people who will get my jokes and references. Seeing those people again the next time that particular convention happens. Familiar faces become acquaintances who become friends that turn into family.

Over the last couple of years, it’s become our tradition to gather our closest friends together on the final night and share a meal. Most of us are bleary-eyed and some of us have little to no voice but it doesn’t matter, we survived another con and can’t wait to do it all over again!”

Family, left to right: Serene Careaga, Joshua Waugh, Kristine Hassell, Andy Munich, Josh Milligan, Greg Hjertager, Stephanie Hjertager, and Brenna Holkins

Family, left to right: Serene Careaga, Joshua Waugh, Kristine Hassell, Andy Munich, Josh Milligan, Greg Hjertager, Stephanie Hjertager, and Brenna Holkins

Manager of Editorial Services and Vice President of the Board, Adrienne Roehrich asked her family—her teenage daughter said “cosplaying my favorite anime with all my friends.” “One of my favorite things about attending cons is the loot you get in the swag bag. Also the place where you buy stuff,” said her son. Adrienne reported, “I love attending cons, but being behind the scenes as a volunteer is really where my enjoyment lies.”

Singing at open karaoke at Sakura-Con 2012 in cosplay with friends

Singing at open karaoke at Sakura-Con 2012 in cosplay with friends

What is it that you love about attending cons? Come to GeekGirlCon ‘13 to let the staff know exactly what your favorite aspect is!

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Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

One response to “Ask GeekGirlCon: What is your favorite part about attending cons?”

  1. Elisabeth says:

    I love the cosplay and the shopping and the people, but the best part for me is the fascinating panels led by awesome people. Last year’s best were the ones led by the ladies of NASA/JPL, the year before that it was women in STEM. 🙂

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