
Ask GGC: What panel are you excited for?

Hi folks! We’ve got less than three weeks until GeekGirlCon ‘12, and staff members are already getting our convention schedules together to make sure we don’t miss out on all the fun. Here’s what some of our staff had to say when asked which panel they were most excited for!

“I am most excited for the “Once More with Feeling” Sing-Along because who doesn’t love the musical episode of Buffy? Also, I’m excited for YA Literature and Feminism. As an avid reader of YA books, I’m interested to see the panelists’ perspective on this topic.” – Jex Ballard, Volunteer Coordinator

“This year, we have SO many excellent panels that this was a tough decision. Since I’m a die-hard Browncoat and Buffy fan, I had to go with Jane Espenson and Husbands because it’s a hilarious series and I cannot wait to see what surprises Team Husbands has for us.” – Kristine Hassell, Twitter Administrator

“The panel I am most excited for is—well, it is really, really hard to pick just one—Steampunk Sewing! Each year I have a fabulous idea for a Steamcon costume that never gets executed. And this year is no different; I have a great idea and I am way behind. I hope DodiRose Zooropa, Alisa Green, and Annah Sophia Summers share some nifty tips to save me from donning my dirigible mechanic garb once again because a girl needs options!” – Adrienne Fox, Copywriter

“I’m most excited to see Jane Espenson and the cast of Husbands. Jane is my hero as we desperately need more women writing and producing TV shows. I love that she can bring the funny, the dramatic, and the heartfelt. I also adore Husbands as I do remember a time (when I was a tiny kid) where I never thought queer people like me would be positively portrayed and in lovingly adorable relationships in TV.” – Erica McGillivray, President and Marketing Director

“I am so excited about some pretty different panels this year. I’m really looking forward to A Fate Worse than Death: The Last “Outsider” in Popular Culture – Disability — the panelists are a fantastic group and it’s a topic I am interested to hear more of. If I have to choose between the super cool science-y stuff (robots! NASA! more!), I would have to say that the Stunning Space Science: Voyager — 12,396 days and counting is really calling out to me — you had me at space + science.” – Amanda Powter, Copywriter

Check out our Saturday and Sunday Programming Guides and let us know which panel you are excited for!

“Rock On!”

4 responses to “Ask GGC: What panel are you excited for?”

  1. Jessica says:

    I’ve got a long list of panels I’m excited for this year, but there are two in particular that make me SO EXCITED (CAPSLOCK!) that I start to lose my grip on English grammar.

    A Buffy Sing-Along?!?! I’ve been re-watching Buffy along with Mark Watches and we just did the musical episode a couple weeks ago. I can’t even tell you how much I’ve fallen in love with this series again over the past few months. Plus, I’m a musical theatre nerd. Hello, best of everything!

    The other panel is Can Geek Girls be Sexually Liberated? I’m a cosplayer and my sister owns a cosplay design business, and there’s always a lot of controversy from both outside and inside the geek community regarding “sexy” costumes.

    I’m only upset that they’re at the same time! How will I cope??

    Honorable mention: Why Men Write Women Poorly, and How to Get a Clue. Let’s talk about Strong Characters, Female!

    • Susie_Rantz says:

      The Buffy sing-along is going to be so much fun!

      We will be recording and live tweeting / blogging from some panels, so hopefully you’ll be able to catch up on any awesome ones you missed.

      If only we could be in multiple places at once!

  2. Elisabeth says:

    I am most excited for the Geek Girl Poets panel – because I thought I was the only one weird enough to write geek-themed poetry! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to meet some of my ‘peeps’ – and maybe share my own stuff too.

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