
August 2015 Geek About Town

This summer has been hot hot HOT! Cool off from the heat with some of these nerdy events!

Monday, August 10: The Triple Door Presents: Movie Mondays: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

From the website: “$5 includes reserved seat + draft beer, well drink or house wine pour.

8:00 PM (All ages). Doors open at 7:00 PM”



Friday, August 14: GeekGirlCon Board Games Night at Wayward Coffeehouse

From the Meetup page: “Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of Tokyo, Völuspá, Alien Frontiers, Locke & Key, Coup, Tokaido, The Resistance, Skull and Roses,Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Toc Toc Woodman, FLUXX and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee.

There are also local pastries and vegetarian/vegan treats, if you get hungry during all that gameplay. Their pastries are delivered daily from local vendors including donuts from Mighty-O Donuts, croissants from Le Fournil Patisserie, bagels from Blazing Bagels, and the rest of their tasty treats provided by Little Rae’s All Natural Bakery. There are even GF cookies from WOW Bakery!”


Saturday, August 15: International Sailor Moon Day

From the Facebook page: “Come meet up and celebrate International Sailor Moon Day in Seattle.

Tickets online are 10$, Tickets at the door will be 15$http://www.eventbrite.com/e/international-sailor-moon-day-seattle-tickets-17790539984

*All the activities are free and the cost is to cover the venue and the activities! At $10-15$ we’re trying to be extremely fair for a variety of budgets.

**A limited amount of tickets will be available at the door for 15$

Volunteer badges will be available for 5$ on the eventbrite page! All volunteers are required to message at least one (1) host on this page! Thank you.

Kids 3 and Under are free!

This is an all ages event. No alcohol will be on site/permitted.

Come in Moonie clothes, cosplay, or however you want. 🙂

Sailor Moon themed Music!

A costume contest! All AGES. Requirements: Must be a Sailor Moon costume: can be from ANY genre/fan art, as long as it IS related to Sailor Moon! 😀

Photobooth by Fearless Photoworks and another photographer will be on site!


Monday, August 17: The Triple Door Presents: Movie Mondays: Episode IV: A New Hope

From the website: “$5 includes reserved seat + draft beer, well drink or house wine pour.

8:00 PM (All ages). Doors open at 7:00 PM”


Monday, August 24: The Triple Door Presents: Movie Mondays: Episode V: The Empire Stikes Back

From the website: “$5 includes reserved seat + draft beer, well drink or house wine pour.

8:00 PM (All ages). Doors open at 7:00 PM”


Wednesday, August 26: Pop-Up On the Plaza: Celebrate the life of Octavia Butler

From the event page: “Enjoy a conversation with writers from the new anthology “Octavia’s Brood,” Walidah Imarisha and Gabriel Teodros. They’ll be discussing where science fiction and social justice meet. The event kicks off with a live music set by local hip-hop legend Gabriel Teodros.

Enjoy our pop-up library, plenty of hands-on fun, plus Seattle’s hottest artists on Wednesdays this Auguston the Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin Tateuchi Plaza.

5:00 – 8:30 p.m.”

Friday, August 28-Monday, August 31:
PAX Prime

From the website: “In 2004, the folks at Penny Arcade decided they wanted a show exclusively for gaming. Sure, comics, anime, and other nerd hobbies were cool, and those activities all had their own shows… so what about games? From that idea spawned a small 4,500 person event in Bellevue, Washington, focused on the culture and community that is gaming.

Since then, the show hasn’t looked back. Doubling in size each year until venue capacities were reached, in 2010 the show expanded into Boston for PAX East, drawing tens of thousands of attendees in the inaugural year. The shows in Seattle and Boston represent the two largest gaming events in North America!”

Please note: PAX Prime is now SOLD OUT. If you already have a pass, come and visit the GeekGirlCon table in the Diversity Hub in the 6th Floor lobby, right next to the escalators and elevators!


Friday, August 28: PAX Prime 2015 Nerd Concert

From the website: “Nerd music returns to LoFi Performance Gallery. We have chiptunes, we have rock, we have hip hop, we have cheap booze, we have give-aways, and a few arcade machines just for good measure. Come relax after the first day of PAX with us!

Death Star
Kirby Krackle
Richie Branson
Kadesh Flow
Icarus Kid
Lex Lingo
Mark Dago

So many acts. So many prizes. So much drinking.

$3.00 Beers and $3.00 Wells ALL NIGHT



$7.00 for non-PAX badge at the door
7:30 PM an 21+”


Sunday, August 30: Ryan Taylor with MegaRan

Local rap featuring nerdcore artist Random AKA MegaRan.


Monday, August 31: The Triple Door Presents: Mondays: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

From the website: “$5 includes reserved seat + draft beer, well drink or house wine pour.

8:00 PM (All ages). Doors open at 7:00 PM”

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