
Bechdel Test Burlesque Returns!

GeekGirlCon ‘15 is fast approaching, and you have a hard choice to make between two awesome events on October 10: our first GeekGirlCon Fashion Show at the Conference Center, or something a little more risque…



October 9 & 10, 2015

Doors 7:00 PM; show 7:30 PM

21+ Only with ID

$20 General Admission, $35 VIP


Presented by

Jo Jo Stiletto, Sophie Maltease, Sailer St. Claire & Scarlett O’Hairdye

In Association with Sin de la Rosa

bechdel test


Naked. Nerdy. Feminist. This is Bechdel Test Burlesque. The superpowered byproduct of the intersection of feminism and pop culture returns for a sequel! This year, fourteen performers join forces to build a more feminist world through smart, sexy, nerdy burlesque.

Produced in association with GeekGirlCon, the country’s foremost convention celebrating the female geek, Bechdel Test Burlesque will be the geekiest, most feminist burlesque show in the history of burlesque shows. Bechdel Test Burlesque will offer convention attendees, Seattle burlesque fans, and geeks of all stripes two chances to experience this epic event.

Black Widow may not have her own movie yet, but she will get to host her own burlesque show. Your move, Marvel.

SPONSORS: Ugly Baby (Shower Art – waterproof art you can hang in your shower), Espionage Cosmetics, Northwest Press, Skydottir Epic Cookies, Archive Six, Circlet Press and our media sponsor Nerdhole Podcast.

Headlined by NYC’s Miss Poison Ivory

Hosted by The Showgirl Scholar, Sailor St. Claire


Bolt Action

Boom Boom L’Roux

Cafe Au Lait Ole

Hyacinth Lee

Kiki Mustang

The Lady B

Sara Dipity

Satira Sin

Scarlett O’Hairdye

Sin de la Rosa

Sophie Maltease

Verity Germaine

With crew members Crystal Tassels and Mandy Flame, and Maggie McMuffin as stage manager.


Accessibility: Re-Bar is wheelchair accessible. Please contact the producers if you have other accessibility needs.


So…how are YOU choosing to spend your Saturday night at GeekGirlCon ‘15?

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“Rock On!”

One response to “Bechdel Test Burlesque Returns!”

  1. Jo Jo Stiletto says:

    So excited to continue to partner with GeekGirlCon

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