GeekGirlCONLINE is less than a month away, and although the con will be a bit different this year with totally virtual panels, workshops, and livestreams all October long, the one thing that isn’t changing is our reliance on volunteers & donations to fulfill our mission to support, empower, and celebrate women, girls & other marginalized fans in all areas of geekdom.
As you get hyped for what will, presumably, be the best virtual con of all time, please consider supporting the GGC mission with a one-time or monthly donation. Your gift will not only help us make GeekGirlCONLINE a success, it will also fuel GGC 2021—our 10th anniversary con (and, presumably, the best in-person con of all time).
A kitten sits at a tiny desk typing on a tiny computer. Below are the words “Donate Now.” Source: Giphy
We know this year has been difficult for many, and we want you to know that we appreciate your love and support regardless of whether or not you’re able to donate. GeekGirlCon exists because of this community, and we can’t wait for you to see what we have in store next month!
A young child stands next to the GeekGirlCon Main Stage watching a music performance. Image courtesy of GGC
Hi everyone! We are quickly coming upon one of GeekGirlCon’s biggest fundraisers of the year: GiveBIG, hosted by 501 Commons on May 5-6. We are so excited to be able to offer a con that promotes underrepresented communities in science, art, comics, and so much more, but we are only able to do so with the generous donations and support of our community.
So why should you support GeekGirlCon? GGC is an organization made up of a community of passionate people who come together to promote the belief that everyone deserves a safe space to express themselves. The 100% volunteer staff of GGC works year-round to bring the best possible programming, vendors, and activities to GGC for people of all genders, ethnicities, and sexualities to enjoy and to help spread the spirit of our labor of love throughout our community. If that sounds like a cool thing that you want to support, then you should GiveBIG! If you want to learn more, check out our Mission Statement.
Our mission is only possibly with your support, and every contribution counts (and is also tax deductible). You can even schedule your donation early if you just don’t want to wait. Be sure to check back in with us on May 5-6 to see how we are doing!
And from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your continued support of GeekGrilCon. It truly means the world to us!
A blue heart with the logo for GiveBIG, and a yellow banner that says “10 Years of Giving.” GiveBIG is powered by 501 Commons and will take place on May 5-6.
It’s time to grab your squad and brush up on your trivia skills to win fabulous prizes! Join us this Saturday at Mox Boarding House in Bellevue for some ultra-fun trivia that has the added bonus of supporting GeekGirlCon! It’s not too late to get a sweet deal on advanced tickets.
Description: Buffy sarcastically apologizes for a pop culture reference. Image courtesy of Gihpy
Here are the important details:
Where: Mox Boarding House in Bellevue
When: This Saturday, August 24th from 2-4 pm
Tickets: $7 per person for trivia if you order in advance or $10 at the door; kids under 12 play for free
Prizes: First place: VIP passes to GeekGirlCon 2019, Second place: weekend passes to GeekGirlCon 2019, Third place: Super awesome mystery prize!
There can be up to six players to a team. No worries if you are a solo player; we can help you find a team to play with or you can be a team of one. Kids are welcome to come and play, and we will have special activities for kids who don’t want to participate in trivia.
Come show off your mad pop culture knowledge and trivia skills! We can’t wait to see you there.
Description: A masked character informs us that the correct answer was “Beef” Image courtesy of Giphy
For those who haven’t experienced it, the DIY Science Zone is a place were geeks of all ages can get hands-on and do experiments one-on-one or in small groups under the guidance of top scientists. Your donations will help us stock enough supplies and bring in enough field experts to ensure that everyone who wants to participate is able to join in the geeky fun.
We want to make this year our greatest yet, and we need your help. So, strap on your safety goggles, pull up your neoprene gloves, and let’s make some science happen!
Bill Nye, wearing safety goggles, throws his hands out dramatically while a light flashes off-screen and a caption appears that reads “Science!!!” Source: Giphy.
GiveBig is an annual day of giving in Seattle. Hosted this year by 501 Commons, GiveBig supports local nonprofit organizations. GeekGirlCon is participating again this year to help raise funds for the 2019 convention on November 16 & 17.
We wouldn’t be able to host the convention each year without your support. We are a community, and we are all extremely passionate about GeekGirlCon’s mission to create a welcoming, safe environment for people of all backgrounds, colors, sexualities, and genders. Everyone should be able to tell their story, and we want to hear yours.
By donating to GeekGirlCon, you are supporting this mission. You are enabling us to create that space, and we couldn’t do it without the support of our community.
You can follow along on social media and return to this post for live updates. We’ll also be livestreaming every hour throughout the day starting at 8 a.m. PST on Facebook.
Current Total From 30 Donors: $14,203 of $10,000 Goal
Thank you for Giving BIG and showing continued support for GeekGirlCon!
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for live updates throughout the day. You can give your gift online today. If you are interested in becoming anindividual or corporate sponsor for GeekGirlCon, check out our sponsor benefits and reach out to us at
We’re less than 24 hours away from GiveBIG, Seattle’s annual
day of giving! Hosted by 501 Commons, GivBIG is an online fundraising marathon
that supports local nonprofits, including GeekGirlCon.
Two girls wearing headphones play a video game while seated at a table at GeekGirlCon. Source: GGC Flickr.
You’ll have all day tomorrow, May 8, to give live, and we’ll be streaming updates throughout the
day to record our milestones and stories about GGC. However, if you don’t want
to wait, you can also schedule
your tax-deductible gifts today.
Why support GeekGirlCon? Built on the belief that everyone deserves
a safe space to be their true selves, GGC is a labor of love from start to
finish. Our 100% volunteer staff works hard year-round to pull off both our
annual con and other events throughout the year, and we rely on your support to
create these opportunities for underrepresented groups to come together and
celebrate the things they love.
So, schedule your donation early, if that’s your jam, and check back in tomorrow to see how we’re doing and hear more about the things our staff and community love about GGC.
We are officially less than one week away from GiveBIG! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 8th, or schedule your gift ahead of time here!
For those of you who aren’t familiar, GiveBIG is an annual day of giving, hosted by 501 commons, that benefits local nonprofits like GeekGirlCon. The support generated by GiveBIG helps us at GeekGirlCon create the most inclusive, accessible convention possible, bringing you (our incredible supporters and community members!) more exceptional panelists, exhibitors, featured contributors, workshops, meetups, and so much more each year.
For all of us at GeekGirlCon, this kind of support is personal. As volunteers, we each have our own unique story of why we give and what GeekGirlCon means to us. Read on to hear our stories, and be sure to add your own. This GiveBIG, let us know what the GeekGirlCon community means to you and share your support for our mission.
Alyssa Jones | Director of Interactive Programming
I support GeekGirlCon because…
It’s important to support ALL WOMEN!
Geeks come in every shape, color, orientation, ability, and gender identity
There aren’t enough safe spaces for marginalized geek
And cause it’s a DAMN FUN WEEKEND
Kalyna Durbak | Copywriter
I support GeekGirlCon because I wish such an organization existed when I was younger. GeekGirlCon sends a message to the world that everyone of ALL ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, sizes, abilities, ethnicities, nationalities, races, creeds, religions, familial statuses, physical and mental abilities, alien species, earth species, education levels, science specializations, fandoms, etc., deserve a safe place to be a geek—no minimal “Geek Cred” required!
Allison Borngesser | Senior Designer
Because it’s important to hold space for geeks of marginalized spaces, so they can find community, share their stories and feel seen and heard. Watching all our attendees having a good time, learning, and interacting is the most rewarding feeling when putting in volunteer time and working behind the scenes.
Bonnie Barcellos | Human Resources Manager
I was not encouraged to enjoy geeky things as a child because I was a girl. My parents are amazing, loving people but they held strong views of what girls should do/like and what boys should do/like. I have a memory of my dad and brothers watching a movie – I popped in the room, was told I wouldn’t like it because it was a boys’ movie, and so I left. That movie was Star Wars. Luckily I rebelled as a teen and inhaled fantasy & sci-books, discovered the amazingness of Star Wars and so many other films, and never looked back. GGC celebrates inclusivity and the love of all things geek in such a wonderful way. We provide a safe space for people to unabashedly be who they are, learn new things, and meet awesome people with similar interests.
I also love our focus on STEM careers for women. Again, that wasn’t an option provided to me. I’m happy in my current career – but if I had gotten more exposure/encouragement in math and science, I would have pursued a career as an economist. I want to provide information and opportunities to women that I didn’t have. GGC does that so well, and it’s an important part of our mission.
Teal Christensen | Copywriter
Something I believe in very strongly is that while virtual spaces can be wildly important, especially to folks of marginalized identities, huge and important parts of our lives still have to happen irl. In order for that reality to be safe and accessible and equitable, we have to do the work to hold space for ourselves and our communities in the physical world. That’s what I think of as the work of GeekGirlCon, and that’s why I support it.
Thank you for supporting GeekGirlCon during GiveBIG, and adding your story to our community of supporters!
Distinguished blog readers, children of all ages — ENGAGE is proud to present The Gauntlet 2019! Gather round Mox Boarding House Bellevue on May 19th to marvel as Team GeekGirlCon dazzles the audience with their extraordinary gaming skills!
This year’s Gauntlet poster. The logo features two stylized black and white circus actors on a red background, with the words “The Gauntlet Cirque! May 19th 2019 Mox Bellevue” in the center. Image from:
The Gauntlet is an invitation-only 8+ hour tournament, consisting of tabletop games from a variety of genres, plus trivia. This year, 16 teams will compete for the shiny Gauntlet trophy.
Our team is excited to play games and raise funds to benefit El Centro de la Raza (The Center for People of All Races), which serves as a voice for the Latinx and immigrant communities in Seattle and King County. Since 1972, El Centro de la Raza has built unity across racial and economic sectors, empowered the most vulnerable and marginalized populations and strives to provide justice to all peoples. From education and youth-focused programs to community building and development, they offer services to aid the Seattle community and beyond throughout all stages of life.
If you can’t make it to the event itself, consider making a donation to our team! Your donations will benefit El Centro de la Raza in their efforts to bring after school programming for low-income middle school children. Giving through our donation page will also unlock power-ups to aid our team in the Gauntlet. We’d love to win that shiny Gauntlet trophy!
The Gauntlet Tournament’s trophy, which features a metal gauntlet (fist up) on a pedestal. The base has the phrase “The Gauntlet: A call to engage” inscribed, as well as three previous winners and the year they won (Team Paizo, 2014; Team Removed From Play, 2018; Team Wizards of the Coast, 2016). Image from
While the next GeekGirlCon is almost a full year away (November 16 and 17, 2019!), we’re already getting the ball rolling, and we’d love your help! We’ve compiled an Amazon Wish List of items that will help us make the con a success. If you’d like to support our mission, please take a look and consider donating an item or two to the cause.
Source: Giphy. Description: An overhead shot of many people putting their hands into a pile as a celebration of teamwork. The last “hand” is a dog paw.
Each item on the wish list is labeled with the area of the con it will help support, so you can contribute directly to the experiences that have had an impact on you.
Love our panels and featured contributors? Consider donating a Southwest Airlines gift card to help us bring in more panelists from more places around the country.
Appreciate our accessibility efforts? You may want to donate a pack of writing pads to support that mission.
Consider our cosplay contests the highlight of GeekGirlCon? Our wish list is full items we’d love to offer as fabulous prizes for contest winners. (Pro tip: if you’re looking for holiday gift ideas for the geeks in your life, I’d highly recommend scrolling through our list.)
Source: Giphy. Description: a trio of people dressed as Santa’s elves wrapping a present.
Whatever you love about GeekGirlCon, our Amazon Wish List is a great, inexpensive way to have a tangible impact on next year’s con. We appreciate your support and can’t wait to show you what we have in store for the upcoming year!
Image description: a young attendee colors in with crayons at the Science Zone at GeekGirlCon.
After a week of feasting, hanging out with family, fighting lines at stores, and shopping online, Giving Tuesday is upon us!
#GivingTuesday is a movement–it even has its own hashtag–that’s set right in the middle of all your holiday shopping as a day to give back to nonprofit organizations so that we can keep doing things that you love. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, GeekGirlCon is entirely volunteer-powered and rely on donations to fulfil our mission to support, empower, and celebrate women and girls in all areas of geekdom.
Donate for her. Image description: a young attendee in a Wonder Woman costume does a science experiment with beads and cups at the DIY Science Zone.
Today from 5am PST, PayPal and Facebook are partnering to match 100% of donations made for Giving Tuesday, up to a total of $7 million. This means that every dollar that you donate to GeekGirlCon today will be matched so that your donation will go twice as far. Since donation matching will continue until the $7m runs out, the earlier you donate in the day, the better!
Our focus this year is on raising funds for our famed DIY Science Zone! What better way to foster a love of science in the next generation of geeks than to do all the science with them? Funding the DIYSciZone allows us to invite more scientists, do bigger experiments, and grow the Zone, all for the love of science!
Image description: A young attendee pets a spotted spider in the DIY Science Zone.
Click here to donate on Facebook today. Or, you can even go further and make your own GeekGirlCon fundraiser! Your generosity will not only go directly to helping us put on the convention, but it will also give us the following powerups, to name a few:
Year-round activities, such as our Board Game Nights at Wayward Coffeehouse.
Outreach in the Greater Seattle Area, such as Atomic Comicon or the PAX Diversity Lounge.
Programming, such as featured contributors, speakers, and workshops at the convention.
Regardless of how you contribute, your donation will make an impact, and we truly appreciate the strength, kindness, and generosity of our community. We truly wouldn’t be able to do it without you!