
Come Visit GGC at NerdFaire 2020

Description: The logo of NerdFaire, featuring a large pair of horn rimmed glasses. Text reads, “2nd Annual NerdFaire 2020, A Mini Con for ALL THE THINGS Nerdy and Geeky.”
Image courtesy of NerdFaire

Con season is about to kick off here in the Pacific Northwest, and we couldn’t be more excited! We at GeekGirlCon love nothing more than to get out and support other local Cons, and we want to invite you to come hang out with us at the second annual NerdFaire.

What is NerdFaire, you ask? Well, it is a mini convention in Lynnwood that celebrates all things nerdy and geeky! They love to showcase local shops and businesses and they hope to build an inclusive space for everyone (yes, EVERYONE) in geekdom. Here are the hard details:

When: February 1, 2020 from 10 am to 8 pm

Where: Lynnwood Convention Center, 3711 196th Street Southwest , Lynnwood, WA 98036

What: The con will feature a cosplay contest, panels, a showfloor where you can purchase handmade goods (and also a GGC table where you can chat with us about this years GGC), and more

Tickets: $5-$25, kids under 12 free. See the options and find more info here

We hope to see you there!

Description: Jeff Goldblum pointing forward and saying, “I’ll see you there.”
Image courtesy of Giphy

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Rebecca Anglesey
“Rock On!”

Rebecca Anglesey

One of Becca’s earliest memories is watching her mom play The Legend of Zelda on their NES. Fascinated by the storytelling medium of video games, Becca became an avid gamer. From MMOs like Final Fantasy IVX to catching them all in Pokémon, Becca loves the experience of watching a good story play out. This love of storytelling didn’t just stop at video games. Becca loves watching movies and television shows, and of course reading almost anything she can get her hands on! Favorite stories include Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Sailor Moon, Lord of the Rings, and a whole lot more. Becca is a native of the PNW. She was born in Aberdeen and worked as a pastry chef in Seattle for 10 years before returning to school. She recently graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Washington Bothell and is looking forward to her next adventure.

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