Crafty Geeks at GeekGirlCon ’15
My grandma first taught me to knit when I was five years old. Oh, I was terrible at it–every time I dropped a stitch, I had to start the whole thing over–but the basic skills took root strongly enough that nearly twenty years later when I had the urge to pick up the hobby again, it all came flooding back.
I got some strange looks as a twenty-something knitter living in a small town in Texas. Twenty-somethings were supposed to be tailgating, getting drunk, and lighting bonfires; it was constantly assumed that I was knitting baby booties.
To my surprise, when I moved to the city and started joining knitting groups, they were full of my fellow geeks. And not just knitting, but many different domestic arts. Sewing, baking, quilting–you name it, someone’s made a TARDIS out of it! The 21st crafty revolution is driven by nerds and geeks of all stripes; if you see someone knitting, they’re more likely than not to have purple hair and be reading a sci-fi novel as they purl. The reasons why are a subject for a much longer post, but for now let’s have a run-down of the crafty, nerdy types who will be plying their wares at GeekGirlCon ‘15!
Sewing is a classic geek choice–many cut their teeth on smaller sewing projects before getting drawn into the crafty world of epic cosplay. Or, like some of our vendors, they might find ways to bring a geeky personal touch to housewares and accessories.
Whether it’s your backpack, your towel rack, or your baby’s butt that needs adorning with TV and video game icons, Seams Geeky has something for you.
Drop by and see the Crazy Quilters of Federal Way! Proving that geeks are both ingenious and generous, they donate their lovingly hand-made quilts to be raffled off in support of non-profit organizations, among other community outreach efforts.
Get a head start on the holidays–Geek Tree is here to make your days be geeky and bright with dozens of fannish stockings to hang on your chimney with care!
When you start getting peckish at the Con, we have many tasty options to choose from. nom*ables Pastries, a Portland-based baker, specializes in geek-themed delicacies from S’mordor to Pokenoms to Rainbow Brite Bites.
Let Royal Ravens Gourmet tempt you with a selection of hand-crafted marshmallows–caffeinated or not, booze-flavored or otherwise. They even offer on their website a range of custom marshmallow options, so if you’ve ever wanted to chow down on Spock’s fluffy face, now’s your chance!
Perhaps you prefer to host your own nerdy dinner parties? Then let Geeky Hostess help you out! Top your cupcakes with geeky sprinkles, glitter, or even eyeballs! Or break out the dismembered sugar limbs for Halloween with the Zombie baking kit, all while wearing a Geeky Hostess apron!
Espionage Cosmetics, a regular hit on the convention circuit, return to bring GeekGirlCon fantastic eye shadow, lip serum, and of course their signature nail wraps. Be sure to check out their brand new Kelly Sue Deconnick-approved Bitch Planet themed wraps!
And finally, at the end of a long day of convention fun, you can unwind with a nice soak in the bath. Have you ever had trouble tearing yourself away from the Xbox when the mundane trivialities of life are calling? No worries, just take your controller in the tub with you! On the upside, there’s no chance it’ll go on the fritz; on the downside, there’s every chance it’ll melt, when it’s brought to you by Digital Soap.