Creative Corner Part 2: Joanna Gaskell Interview
This blog is brought to you by GeekGirlCon Twitter administrator, Kristine Hassell
If you’ve joined us today, I’ve been speaking with Joanna Gaskell of Standard Action. You can find the first part of this awesome interview here.
Q. Has SA helped YOU grow as an actor?
Oh, definitely. What really helped me grow and learn as an actor was doing a lot of other roles on set. Producing, editing, being involved in the whole process really helped me understand the nuances of how the actor’s role fits in with everyone else’s. I recommend to any actor to try other roles on set, it will give you a new and invaluable understanding of how you can help the final project look or sound better with your performance, and how specific choices work or don’t work on screen.
You are one busy Canadian! What’s in store for the rest of 2013 and can you share a little of what can we look forward to in 2013 for SA?
2013 is absolutely chock full, already. We’re going to be shooting SA, Season 3, of course. 🙂 Plus, I’m at a vast number of conventions this year: PAX Prime, GenCon, San Diego Comicon, PaizoCon, Berzerkon, and hopefully GeekGirlCon in October!
Q. That’s a lot of conventions! I enjoyed running into you in Boston at PAX East as well. What else do you have on your plate?
For SA, our webcomic will be out this year, hopefully starting in the next couple of months. Our card game will be up for sale pretty soon as well, and we will be (fingers crossed) launching our first Pathfinder RPG module at GenCon. Second season DVDs should also be up for sale within the next few months!
In terms of new episode content, I would love to have Season 3 launching before the end of this year, but no promises ‒ we’ll see how the shoot schedule pans out! How fast we can get going on it also very much depends on how much better we do on our Kickstarter in the next two weeks. What you’re going to see in Season 3 is a close to this particular arc in the story. Seasons 1 through 3 are very much a trilogy, and we will see some stuff tied up. Not everything, though; I’d love to leave us room to grow into more stories if we decide to move forward into a Season 4… and beyond.
Tune in tomorrow for Joanna’s advice to those aspiring to do their own web series and she shares what she’s been geeking out to! Thanks for reading, y’all!