
Featured contributors: Natalie “Moxie Girl” McGriff and Sammus

With the creativity of their words, music, and imagination, these amazing two featured contributors are turning adversity into inspiration for others.

Natalie “Moxie Girl” McGriff

In The Adventures of Moxie McGriff, a little girl transforms what she believes to be flaws into superpowers to save the community.

Natalie “Moxie Girl” McGriff is the 9-year-old co-author of the series, The Adventures of Moxie McGriff, which is aimed at teaching young girls of color the importance of loving themselves just as they are.

Natalie previously suffered from low self-esteem regarding her hair texture and skin tone.

Through encouragement from her family and friends, Natalie is now proud to be herself. Hear Natalie speak about self-love in this Facebook video shared more than 8,000 times.

Natalie seeks to empower other young girls of color by transforming their “flaws” into super powers. She will be appearing in “Geeky Kids Making Your Mark” in Room Chelan 5America on Sunday at 1 p.m.


Known for her prowess as a beatmaker and lyricist, Sammus has spent the past several years cultivating a strong following of activists, hip hop heads, punks, and self-proclaimed nerds and geeks, among others.

She is a New York-based rapper and producer whose music is characterized by her use of uniquely chopped samples and video game-like synths.

But in addition to rapping about video games, Sammus’ music talks about depression, racism, and police brutality.

The Los Angeles Times writes that Sammus’ position as a nerdcore rapper is unique.

“Some of her most ardent fans prefer her game-inspired tracks, like Cybernetic Armor. Others are more interested in songs like Three Fifths in which she raps about racism and police brutality. Some are equally excited about both. This took her time to realize, she says.” – The Los Angeles Times

In her latest music video, Time Crisis, Sammus partners with director Vrinda Jagota for the second time (The Feels) to create a video that plays with cultural ideas about aging, sexuality, and the body. Watch below.  (Note that the video below contains vulgarities.)

Sammus has been called a 20-credit rapper because of her smart lyrics, diverse subject matter and versatile flow. She will be appearing in “The Women of Nerdcore” panel in Room Tahoma 3/4 – Garnet on Sunday at 12 p.m. Sammus will be in the signing area on Level 3 on Sunday from 10 to 11 a.m.

As the clock ticks closer to GeekGirlCon, we become more excited about our panelists and contributors who will be at the con. Read our panelist and contributors announcements so far here. Make sure to check back; we will be sharing the news of other featured contributors the weeks leading up to GeekGirlCon. Get your passes here!

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Ashli Blow
“Rock On!”

Ashli Blow

Ashli is a news writer and digital producer who loves comic books.

One response to “Featured contributors: Natalie “Moxie Girl” McGriff and Sammus”

  1. […] of our earlier blog posts: Ashly Burch and Bonnie Burton; Li Kovacs, Pisara, and Cheyenne Jaz Wise; Natalie “Moxie Girl” McGriff and Sammus; and an amazing set of Pixar creators and […]

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