
Gaming Tourneys Lead the Way to Geek Convention

GeekGirlCon Hosts First in a Series of Fund-raising Game Tournaments

Portland, OR, January 30th, GeekGirlCon staff will be hosting a Munchkin Tournament to kick off a series of monthly gaming tournaments that will appear in cities leading to Seattle,WA and raise money for GeekGirlCon’s upcoming convention.

Jason Heilpern, GeekGirlCon’s Gaming Coordinator, has organized a Munchkin Tournament that will take place at noon at Guardian Games, 303 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Complete with prizes and a Monty Python-themed flash mob to promote the tournament itself, “Rumor even has it the Men in Black from Steve Jackson Games will be on site to participate in the fun!” says Heilpern. Online pre-registration for the tournament is $10 and $15 at the door.

Apart from the tournament itself, GeekGirlCon will be participating in both pre- and post-tournament festivities. Staff has invited the public to join them at Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade, 511 Northwest Couch Street, Portland, Oregon, for a night of gaming and partying at 8pm on the 29th, and following the tournament itself on the 30th, at 5pm, everyone will be gathering at the Foggy Notion, 3416 N Lombard St, Portland, Oregon to celebrate. To find out more about this event: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=179714922052039

GeekGirlCon is a non-profit organization passionate about promoting women’s contributions to geek culture. We are having our first annual convention October 8 and 9, 2011 in Seattle at the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. To find out more about GeekGirlCon visit http://www.geekgirlcon.com.


Contact: Kiri Callaghan
GeekGirlCon Public Relations Manager
Email: pr@geekgirlcon.com

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