
GeekGiftGuide: Geeky Gift Ideas from Your Geeky Girl Source

Written by Adrienne M. Roehrich, Manager of Editorial Services

It’s that time of year again: shopping for the holidays. Regardless of what holiday you are shopping for your geeky loved ones (or yourself), GeekGirlCon has some ideas for you. Last year we provided many ideas on Geeky Gifts on a Budget, Tabletop Gifting, Geeky Gifts for Kids, and Last Minute Gift Ideas. We’ve got a few more ideas for you this year, to find that perfect gift for your geeky gift recipient (or to add to your own wishlist.)

147f_radioactive_light-up_coasterWhen I wrote about the Optimystical Studios Ladies of Science jewelry line (which would make great gifts for the chemistry lover you know), I got a few suggestions on other chemistry-related gifts. The first was a Radioactive Elements Glowing Coaster Set from ThinkGeek. The pressure sensitive coasters light up when you set your drink on them.

cardsandssuchSomeone else knew my love of board games and chemistry, and sent me links to Compounded, the tagline of which borrows from the American Chemical Society’s old “better living through chemistry” with “Better Gaming Through Chemistry.”

bhaloidamSpeaking of board games, one I picked up as a gift for some geeky kids I know from GeekGirlCon Exhibitor’s Hall this year is Bhaloidam. In the words of the creators: “With it you’ll spin character-driven stories and weave them together with the stories of your friends. You’ll exert your influence upon the storyworlds you create together, shaping its future and controlling your characters’ destinies as you perform their successes and their failures.”

51RD20huJQLFor a smart nephling, I got Angry Birds: Furious Forces, which I heard about from a physicist.  This is a great book for the game lover who also has an interest in physics or a physics lover with an interest in games.

614914_432536040121877_1268556943_oAnother of my geeky family will be receiving some items from CuteBricks, another vendor at GeekGirlCon ‘13. (You may be catching on that one of my favorite places to shop for gifts is at conventions.) These little LEGO bricks in various shapes as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and cufflinks are super cute!

il_570xN.407651812_6626For a good friend whose birthday was long past, I got her a Surly from SurlyRamics—a matching pi necklace and earrings (not exact one pictured.) I also got myself a little gift—one of the new sparkly Surly’s, a dragonfly.

I also have GeekGirlCon ‘14 passes on my list. I can’t think of a better gift.

So, tell me, what geeky gifts have you gotten for the geeks in your life, or that you are hoping for?

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

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