
GeekGirlCon ’13: Come Out and Cosplay with Us!


Cosplayers at GeekGirlCon ’12!

Written by AJ Dent, GeekGirlCon Staff Copy Writer 

I will take any opportunity to wear a costume.  According to my family, strutting around in outlandish garb has been a hobby of mine since before I can remember. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, from dressing up as a flower child in fifth grade to pulling off a group Cat in the Hat costume during college.

Costumed as Thing 1 for Halloween with my friends Thing 2 and the Cat in the Hat. Photo credit: AJ Dent

Costumed as Thing 1 for Halloween with my friends Thing 2 and the Cat in the Hat. Photo credit: AJ Dent

It’s not just the wearing of a costume that’s fun, either. Finding just the right articles of clothing to resemble a fictional character feels like a scavenger hunt to me. At a garage sale one summer, I was thrilled to come across the perfect neon-colored moon boots to pull together a Rainbow Brite costume I’d been constructing. Another year, an old white button-down shirt at Goodwill became the perfect top for my transformation into Pulp Fiction’s Mia Wallace.

My friend Heather at Sakura-Con ‘13 cosplaying the character Paine from Final Fantasy 10-2.  Photo credit:  AJ Dent

My friend Heather at Sakura-Con ‘13 cosplaying the character Paine from Final Fantasy 10-2. Photo credit: AJ Dent

Many people I know take cosplaying up a notch by sewing and even building their own items. While attending Sakura Con earlier this year, I got to admire my friend Heather’s Final Fantasy 10-2 uniform, which was entirely handcrafted from her gun to her wig. She and others spend countless hours preparing outfits like these for big events, and that’s just half the fun. The elements of art and make-believe they bring to conventions foster an incredibly jovial atmosphere by bringing to life a variety of characters we know and love.

It’s no surprise, then, that I’m extra-excited about GeekGirlCon ’13! With panels dishing out advice on wig-wearing, Victorian fashion, and building cosplay subcultures, there’ll be plenty of food for thought. Professional cosplayer Chaka Cumberbatch will be appearing to speak on social, race, gender, and sexuality issues with geek and cosplay communities. Forums will also take place to discuss the difference between cosplay and costuming, cultural appropriation versus appreciation in cosplay, the psychology of cosplay, and the great bonds between people who engage in it together.

Whether you attend one or all of these panels, your knowledge of cosplay will definitely expand as hundreds of attendees show off a rainbow of styles at the convention. Join the fun and dress as your favorite character as well! It’s a great chance to meet, share tips, and geek out with fellow costume lovers from around the country!

While you’re busy stitching up the perfect Doctor Who duds or a grandiose Game of Thrones gown for GeekGirlCon ‘13, don’t forget the most important part—your passes! Pick up yours today and get ready to show off your cosplay creativity!

A cosplaying attendee goes all out at GeekGirlCon '12.

A cosplaying attendee goes all out at GeekGirlCon ’12.

Gender-bending Avengers cosplayers at GeekGirlCon ’12!  Photo credit:  Adrienne Roehrich

Gender-bending Avengers cosplayers at GeekGirlCon ’12! Photo credit: Adrienne Roehrich

Do you plan to cosplay at GeekGirlCon ‘13? Who do you want to dress as this year?

AJ Dent
“Rock On!”

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