
GeekGirlCon ’13: What’s the Best Way To Learn Science?

Why, hands-on, of course! GeekGirlCon ‘13 has some science for you. Interested in a career in STEM or computer science? We’ve got you covered. We have a number of workshops and panels on topics such as astronomy, biology, chemistry, neurology, and paleontology, presented by scientists and science communicators.

Alice Enevoldsen, also known as Alice’s AstroInfo, wants to share “inspiration and excitement about science for everyone” with her panel, “Making Science Fun.” You can expect exciting demonstrations of various techniques and useful tips for engaging in science exploration with not only the children in your life, but everyone, really!

Another star-studier comes our way—the Noisy Astronomer, Nicole Gugliucci. Build a solar system, an active galactic nucleus, a supermassive black hole, craters of the moon, and more with fun items right from the grocery store! “I love doing hands-on astronomy activities because it gives kids (and adults!) a feel for the concepts and a way to interact with ideas and objects that are usually so far beyond our grasp,” comments Nicole. Returning exhibitor Amy Roth Davis of SurlyRamics assists.

Still have lingering questions? More astronomers are expected to attend and you can ask them all the questions you have about life, the universe and everything in between.

Photo by cizake (Flickr) and used under a Creative Commons License.

Photo by cizake (Flickr) and used under a Creative Commons License.

Other workshops cover additional mind-expanding topics. Post-doctoral research associate in the Department of Chemistry at Doane College and the Center of Nanohybrid Functional Materials at University of Nebraska, as well as GeekGirlCon media administrator, Raychelle Burks brings together scientists to present the DIY Science Zone. Bring your friends and your kids for hands-on experiments suitable for all ages. Pop in for a five-minute session or spend the whole day! All experiments will feature how-to guides and use common household and easily available supplies, so you can take the ideas home with you.

GeekGirlCon ‘13 is a science-lover’s dream and a great place to bring your kids—buy your passes now before prices go up on August 25!

by GeekGirlCon Manager of Editorial Services Adrienne Roehrich

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Eric Mack
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4 responses to “GeekGirlCon ’13: What’s the Best Way To Learn Science?”

  1. Elisabeth says:

    It’s great to see so much hands-on science for kids, but are there going to be any adult-oriented science panels like last year’s excellent Cassini and Voyager presentations? Those are the panels that will keep me coming back.

    • We felt just as inspired by last year’s science panels and share your excitement! All of the sessions mentioned in the article above are pitched at an all-ages level, and many will include question and answer periods where you can dive into the deeper applications of the presentations. These sessions are presented by PhD scientists giving their time and expertise to GeekGirlCon: they geek out on science full-time and want to share that fun with you.

      Dr. Burks’ DIY Science Zone is an excellent example of how inclusive our science programming will be. With scientists from multiple disciplines on-hand to assist attendees, it’s easy to get a science demonstration tailored to your level of expertise and degree of involvement. To use a random example: one person may just want to see sodium dance on water, while another wants to know WHY the reaction occurs. (Disclaimer: Sodium may or may not be on the experiment line-up.) Everyone wins!

      This is only a fraction of our planned science programming for GeekGirlCon ’13, with panels pitched to satisfy every level of expertise and any age.

      Keep an eye out for future programming teasers, there’s a lot more to come!

  2. Annie says:

    I agree– Those NASA ladies were amazing!

  3. @jamesian says:


    Some of you science folks may wish to know about the new DIY laboratory – open house Friday, Oct. 18, crowdfunded and open for business.

    Details at link, even also on Facebook.

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