
GeekGirlCon ’15 Programming is LIVE!

Through the magic and hard work that is GeekGirlCon’s devoted volunteer Web Team, programming for GeekGirlCon ‘15 is LIVE on our website!

schedule page

With our convention passes getting close to selling out for the fifth straight year (go buy your passes NOW if you haven’t!), we’ve been busy planning our schedule, prepping all of the panels, gathering science-y materials for the DIY Science Zone, brushing up on our game play, and setting up ideal spaces for all of our awesome attendees.


Not to be missed: October 9, the night before GeekGirlCon ‘15 opens its doors, is our GeekGirlCONcert and Kick-Off Party! If you can’t pick up your badge at the Conference Center at the WSCC on Friday during the day, you can pick it up on your way into the Hard Rock Cafe, where we will be celebrating our 5th Anniversary in style with Thundering Asteroids! and PDX Broadsides for dancing and entertainment. (This event is badge holders only; not open to the general public.)


October 10, we have two evening events lined up at the convention: the Annual GeekGirlCon Costume Contest, and our first ever GeekGirlCon Fashion Show, partnering with some amazing designers for geeks everywhere!


Doors open at 9am on Saturday, October 10 and Sunday, October 11, with programming starting both days at 10am. Check out the schedule and start planning your weekend more thoroughly so you don’t miss a thing!

We can’t wait to see you there!

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“Rock On!”

2 responses to “GeekGirlCon ’15 Programming is LIVE!”

  1. Sherrie says:

    How do I download the schedule app?

    • Winter Downs says:

      Hi Sherrie,
      The app you need to download is called Guidebook. It’s available for iOS, Android, and online, and contains listings and schedules for many different events. Type ‘GeekGirlCon’ into the search bar inside the app and voila!


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