Join Us for the GeekGirlCon ’18 Kickoff Party!
Come one! Come all! Even before the convention officially begins, we’re starting #GGC18 off right by hosting our annual kickoff party. It’s the perfect chance to eat, drink, mix, mingle, and be merry with other awesome geeks just like you!

Image Description: Beyonce Knowles and Kelly Rowland dancing next to each other in unison. Source: Giphy.
When: Friday, October 26th (aka the day before Con! Woo!)
Where: Optimism Brewing Company
1158 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122
- Convention attendees will be able to pick up their passes a whole day early! Yay for planning ahead!
- Exciting activities you won’t want to miss, including a prize drawing, Meet Some Geeks Bingo, and Find a Fandom Masqerade.
- Having fun and getting to meet – or be reunited with – an incredible community of people!
Mark your calendars and come out for a great night celebrating everything that makes GeekGirlCon so great! We’ll see you there!

Image Description: A gif of three dinosaurs dancing in a row outside a building with concrete steps in the background. Source: Giphy.
I am super excited for this year’s GGC! I am hoping to volunteer on Friday to help set up, this would be a great event to go to after all the hard work!