
Join Us for the GeekGirlCon ’18 Kickoff Party!

Come one! Come all! Even before the convention officially begins, we’re starting #GGC18 off right by hosting our annual kickoff party. It’s the perfect chance to eat, drink, mix, mingle, and be merry with other awesome geeks just like you!

Image Description: Beyonce Knowles and Kelly Rowland dancing next to each other in unison. Source: Giphy.

When: Friday, October 26th (aka the day before Con! Woo!)

Where: Optimism Brewing Company

1158 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122


  • Convention attendees will be able to pick up their passes a whole day early! Yay for planning ahead!
  • Exciting activities you won’t want to miss, including a prize drawing, Meet Some Geeks Bingo, and Find a Fandom Masqerade.
  • Having fun and getting to meet – or be reunited with – an incredible community of people!

Mark your calendars and come out for a great night celebrating everything that makes GeekGirlCon so great! We’ll see you there!

Image Description: A gif of three dinosaurs dancing in a row outside a building with concrete steps in the background. Source: Giphy.


Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Hanna Hupp

A recent English Lit grad, Hanna is an enthusiastic Hufflepuff who spends as much time as possible reading, writing, and engaging in in-depth critical analyses of the graphic novels, old SyFy shows, and the Bachelor franchise with anyone who will listen. When not developing intense crushes on (inconveniently) fictional characters or outlining a variety of stories she might hopefully get around to writing one day, Hanna can usually be found listening to comedy podcasts while googling 1960’s NASA launches.

One response to “Join Us for the GeekGirlCon ’18 Kickoff Party!”

  1. Sarah James says:

    I am super excited for this year’s GGC! I am hoping to volunteer on Friday to help set up, this would be a great event to go to after all the hard work!

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