
GeekGirlCon 2016: Who We Are

One of the many things that makes GeekGirlCon so unique is that our organization is made up of 100% volunteers. From the Agents at our convention to our Directors, everyone who puts on the event for 8,500+ attendees does it for the mission:

To celebrate and honor the legacy of women contributing to science and technology; comics, arts, and literature; and game play and game design by connecting geeky women worldwide and creating community to foster continued growth of women in geek culture through events.

It is a lofty and expansive (and slightly wordy) goal, but it is the commonality that brings a variety of geeks to GeekGirlCon. We possess a unique combination of skills, personalities, life experiences, fandoms, and Titratathon wins between us. It makes the whole experience dynamic for attendees year after year because we are never the same GeekGirlCon.

This year, we are a GeekGirlCon with 22 new year-round staff volunteers.

This year, we are adding 30,000 square feet of space.

This year, we are doubling the number of exhibitors.

This year, we are doubling the number of artists.

This year, our community-sourced panels delivered some fresh, thoughtful, and celebratory content.

This year, individual donors contributed enough that all of our panelists will get their passes for free.

In other words, this year is going to be something you will never see again.

However, the mission has been and will always be our guide. GeekGirlCon will still feel familiar in the ways that really count. Each year builds upon our previous successes and our predecessors created amazing foundations for us. We are not the same convention that began in 2011 and we won’t be the same convention when we begin planning GeekGirlCon ‘17.

It is with great pride that we would like to introduce you to the 44 Volunteer Staff and 7 Board Members making up GeekGirlCon ‘16 and celebrate a great year in the making!

Allison Borngesser, Alyssa Jones, Amy L Gembala, Amy Gradzewicz, Andrew Chan, Andy Munich, Angela Jernejcic, Ashli Blow, Constance Chen, Courtney Basler, Denee McCloud, Dheyvi Velagapudi, Emily Hendrickson, Hosanna Tolmon, Indigo J Boock, I-Wei Feng,  JC Lau, Jennifer Stuller, Jessica Flores, Josh Michaels, Joshua Weiner, Kathryn Storm, Katrina Lehto, Kristen Lehua Barcheski, Kristine Hassell, Laurel McJannet, Henry Behrens, Maddy VonHoff, Marguerite Cottrell, Marina Martinez, Meagan Malone, Mikey Brandt, Rabecca Rocha, Raychelle Burkes, Rose Minier, Sammy Scott, Sarah Grant, Seven DeBord, Shubz Blalack, Stephanie Hawn, Stephanie Tolson, Tanu Khandelwal, Terra Clarke Olsen, Tess Salim, Torrey Stenmark, Whitney Winn, Winter Downs, and Wynnie O’Dowd.

You can read more about each of us on our Board of Directors & Staff Page.



Danielle Gahl, Interim Executive Director & Kristine Hassell, Deputy Director

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“Rock On!”

One response to “GeekGirlCon 2016: Who We Are”

  1. […] are over 175 great vendors, artists, and artisans alike joining us this October. That’s almost double the amount we’ve had in previous years, thanks to our recent expansion! We’ll have everything from nerdy […]

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