
GeekGirlCon at Sakura-Con’s 15th Anniversary

From the desk of Tammy Vince Cruz, GeekGirlCon design manager and vice president:

GeekGirlCon had the opportunity to have a booth at Sakura-Con’s 15th Anniversary show, and had a great time interacting with the anime community!

Always held in the spring, the cherry blossoms are generally in bloom during Sakura-Con, and this year, they did not disappoint. The Northwest’s largest anime convention has been in existence since 1998 (this GeekGirlCon staffer has attended every single one!), originally named Baka!-Con. Renamed to Sakura-Con in 2000, the 2012 con entertained and connected over 20,000 fans.

Volaloid at Sakura-Con

This year’s con features included haute fashion lines Angelic Pretty, H. Naoto, ATELIER-PIERROT, Obitsu brand dolls, and an amazing performance by prolific visual-kei band, Moi dix Mois. (Not going to lie, I squee’d when I heard that Mana of MALICE MIZER was going to be at Sakura-Con 2012!) There was an abundance of cosplay – many attendees dressed in popular series such as:
• Vocaloid
• Bleach
• Panty and Stocking
• Legend of Zelda
• And even a revival of Sailor Moon!

Characters from western shows such as Adventure Time and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic were prevalent as well. Sakura-Con also emphasizes Japanese culture, and I had the chance to pop into the Kabuki Academy kimono workshop and check out attendees trying on kimono and having kabuki-style make-up applied.

Sakura-Con 2012 was the second year that GeekGirlCon attended as an exhibitor, and we had the chance to speak with many people about our organization, and why we exist. This year was a pleasant change from last year, in that many more people actually had heard of us!

“Have you heard about GeekGirlCon?”
“Why yes! I already bought my pass!”

There was a steady stream of folks who stopped by, particularly intrigued by the loud clack of the prize wheel and the chance to win goodies ranging from GeekGirlCon totes to a Sakura (Street Fighter) costume that an adorable little geek gal won. Attendees could buy passes, pick up merch and prints from past GeekGirlCon events and fundraisers (buy yours on our Etsy shop too!), and find out more information about GeekGirlCon ’12. We had a steady stream of photos live tweeted throughout the weekend. Were you one of the featured cosplayers?

As always, this anime nerd looks forward to Sakura-Con 2013, and I hope to make it to the 20th Anniversary without skipping a beat! Be sure to check out Sakura-Con’s booth at GeekGirlCon ‘12 on August 11-12!

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