GeekGirlCon Walks for a Brighter Future of Women in STEM Careers
On Sunday June 5, GeekGirlCon is walking with IGNITE to raise awareness of women working in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and reverse the stereotype of technology as a competitive, solitary, masculine career choice which is keeping girls away from STEM.
Our Geek Girl network has been shrinking when it comes to women seeking careers in STEM! According to IGNITE, an organization focused inspiring young women to pursue the science and tech fields, women represent only 15% of the industry today. That is a big decrease from the 1980 when women were 35% of those fields. GeekGirlCon wants to reverse this trend and you can help us.
Register to walk with us on June 5 or sponsor our staff and volunteers who will lace up their trainers and don warm-ups for a cause we vehemently support. Visit IGNITE for more information and donate. Support GeekGirlCon walkers: Arwen Morton, Amanda McGall, Kelly Clark, Jen Stuller, Anna Daniell, Erica McGillivray, and Adrienne Fox. Please feel free to join us at the registration table at 1pm.
IGNITE states, “When you join this Walk, you are taking a stand for a brighter future, where women participate equally with men and have a say in how technology can improve the lives of people everywhere around the globe.” GeekGirlCon totally agrees.