
GeekGirlCONLINE Week 3 | Arts & Literature

GeekGirlCONLINE is going strong, and we hope you’re having as much fun with it as we are! This weekend we’re back with one of my favorite themes: Arts and Lit! Here’s some of the great content we have in store:

Panels & Activities

Join us Saturday at 1:00 p.m. for Making Monsters with Evan J. Peterson.

This workshop will teach you what makes for a great monster in fiction, films, and other arts. Whether you’re a writer, illustrator, performer, or all of the above, learn to create memorable monsters, who might just become your newest heroes!

Then, stick around because we’ll have Music with Nai Palm at 2:30 pm.

Join frontrunner Nai Palm of Hiatus Kaiyote as she speaks about their new album, navigating the fashion world and the medical world after getting a masectomy, and the wonderful nature of water. 

Plus, join us for Romance Rec for Every Geek’s Heart at 4:00 p.m. and Zines! with Lucy Kagan at 5:30 p.m.

We’ve also got plenty in store on Sunday, starting with Brick by Brick: Worldbuilding in YA at 1:00 p.m. Then, join us at 2:30 p.m. for Creator Shout Outs by Black Girls Create.

Black Girls Create is an intersectional hub for Black creators and critical fandom. The team behind the website is going to recommend the work of some amazing creators bringing great content. Attend this panel to hear about up and coming creators, where to find them, and how to support their work. Get ready to add titles to your TBR pile, watchlist, and more!

We’ll also have a Spotlight on Roseanne A Brown at 4:00 p.m., where author Roseanne A. Brown will discuss her debut novel, A Song of Wraiths and Ruin. Then Friend to Enemies to…? at 5:30 p.m will explore special ingredients that make up an irresistible fictional relationship.

Check out our full schedule to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Weekend 2 Recap

Last weekend’s comic-themed content took us Behind the Scenes in Kids Comics, let us learn how to care for, create, mould, and mend wigs with the Cosplay Repair Station, and made us laugh with geeky comedy! If you missed any of it, you can catch up on our YouTube channel.

The Virtual Expo Hall & Official GeekGirlCon Merch

Don’t forget to stop by our Virtual Expo Hall, full of fabulously geeky goods from our lovely exhibitors, and grab your 2020 official merch from our online store

Custom merch design for GeekGirlCONLINE '20
Designs from this year’s merch, courtesy of Ragon! [Image Description: A blue cat and yellow dog wear backpacks and high five. The text says, “GeekGirlCon,” in a yellow loopy handwriting font. The colors are blue, yellow, red, and white.]

Reach Out on Social

Have thoughts about our first ever virtual con? Use the hashtag #GGConline to let us know what you’re enjoying so far!

A Quick Peek at Next Weekend

Gamers, get ready—October 24 and 25 is going to be full of game-centric workshops, panels, live music, and more! PLUS, there will be LIVE hosted streams both days!

Check out our full GeekGirlCONLINE content schedule to see what more we have in store!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

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