GeekGirlCONTEST: Your Chance to go Back to the Future!
Are you ready to go Back to the Future? The folks at Emerald City Comicon and SIFF are bringing Back to the Future back to the big screen — and Christopher Lloyd will be in attendance!
That’s right, if my calculations are correct, on Saturday, March 31, the eclectic and electric “Doc Brown” will be with us one more time. Doc set his time coordinates for the SIFF Cinema at Uptown. Before the screening at 9:00 p.m., he’ll lead a procession of over two dozen DeLoreans. Two dozen. Did you know that many even existed?
Tickets are sold out, but we’ve got great news! GeekGirlCon has a pair of tickets for one of our lucky geeky followers.
Want to win them? Leave a comment below letting us know where you would go with your own DeLorean. We’ll select a winner at random from the comments. Be sure to include a working email; it won’t be displayed, but we’ll need it to notify you if you win!
To enter this GeekGirlCONTEST, you must leave a comment before Friday, March 2 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
We’ll notify the randomly chosen winner by email on Saturday. In Doc’s famous words, “Saturday night, we’re sending you Back to the Future!” Good luck to all of you!
UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who participated. Please view the screenshot below to see who won a pain of Back to the Future tickets! Since we had so many comments, we will also be giving away GeekGirlCon stickers to 15 randomly selected commenters (second screenshot). Congrats to everyone!
Hmm, I’d go for the ’60s for great music and other such.
I’d go back and have lunch with Einstein. Albert, not Doc’s dog. And tell him… “see? you were right!”.
id go round traveling through time wandering and enjoying verious cultures and having adventures like the doctor except in a much sweeter ride
Sappy, I know, but I’d go back and meet the grandmother I never met.
I would go to the future; I would love to finally see some massively available space travel.
Being a computer geek, I’d go visit Ada Lovelace. Let her know that she was the first computer programmer and an inspiration to all computer geeks (girls and boys!)
I’d go about 100 years in the future, just to see what I’ll be missing.
I would go back to January 2006 to chat with the incomparable Octavia Butler about her last work, Fledging, and where she was going with her female-empowering, pre-Twilight revamp (pun intended) of the vampire mythos. Now we’ll never know … RIP Octavia Butler- Science fiction pioneer and my personal inspiration!
I would have to go for the 100-200 A.D time. Around King Arthur time, too see if he actually excited and too see what life was really like. History doesn’t even know for sure on some accounts.
Because I’m a total nerd, I’ve actually thought about this before…
I’d get someone who is fluent in Latin, and other old languages of the time, and go back to the Library of Alexandria. Geek out with the person over all the knowledge there, spending days going over it. Then, when things started getting heated, and the library is about to be destroyed, I’d grab a bunch of the scrolls and bring ’em back! Who cares if I mess up the time line doing so. They were gonna get burned anyways!
Oh yeah, and I’d totally meet Hypatia while I was there. Maybe bring her back too. Even with the risk of future shock. 😛
I think I’d head back in time and check out a speak easy!
I live vicariously! I have a friend who bought a DeLorean in Bellevue, had it converted to right-hand drive, and shipped to Australia. I s**t thee not. Oh, wait you meant a working time-traveling one… um… I’d go back and beat myself about the head and shoulders with a Nerf bat until I promised to not marry my first husband! Not geeky enough? Darn. Umm… OH! I know! I would go back and tell a certain pioneering game company how to not have their unique MMO canceled by the publisher before the end of public beta.
I would go back to the 50’s and buy lots of vinatge dresses >.<
I’d go 88mph right back to my teen years to tell my teen self to “knock it off!” Then I’d go to Liverpool.
I’d go back in time to Oracle Arizona Sept 26, 1991 to see the original Biospherians be sealed into Biosphere 2. I’m an interpretive guide for University of Arizona College of Science at Biosphere 2. We benefit by the original groups building of this amazing Eco-Lab. I’d love to go back in time and be present when they began their experiment.
Depends on if i have my son me or not. If Charlie is with me we would go back to the time of the dinosaurs. if i was by myself probably to the JFK period i have always admired him.
I would actually go back to the 80s.. and here is what I’d do. I’d love to go to late 1985, maybe around the holiday season. And I would completely fill my DeLorean with countless boxes of discontinued old snack foods, I’d buy out a Toys R Us and I’d spend the rest of my life content to listen to New Wave music.
I would probably try to follow my family line back through the countries we came from, and rather than try to visit historical events, I’d be curious about daily life in various cultures across time. There’s a tendency to feel apocalyptical these days even in boring daily life… I really want to see what it was like throughout history! Sure we can guess a lot from what we’ve discovered, but we also keep finding new things that just bring up all kind of new questions.
1964 Seattle to see the Beatles 🙂
I’d go back to the 1920s. The world was changing like crazy and women got the vote!
I would go back to England in the late 18th/early 19th century and mix in Jane Austen’s crowd. I am a complete and utter geek for all things Austen, and an Anglophile to boot. With any luck, I’d meet my own Mr. Darcy.
I’d go back to a time before these tickets originally sold out!
I would take the DeLorean to the roaring 20s, sneak into a ChaCha, enjoy some jazz, drink far too much giggle juice, find a bird and make some whoopee!
I’d track down the Doctor.
YES! 😀
Depressing… I would go back anytime before 2004 and spend time with my mom. Miss her.
mmm…. back in time to spend more time with my grandpa xo
Ooh! Maybe we can go back and keep the Sonics in Seattle. 😀 Geeks and sports lovers unite!
I’d have to go into the future, since I’d be too terrified to do anything in the past out of the fear that it might result in me not being born.
I don’t really have any specific plans for the future though, since it’s an unknown quantity almost by definition.
I’d go back to late 50s, early 60s and be an Elvis groupie. 🙂 I would love to see him perform live.
Oh my goodness . . . this idea is full of squee. Thanks GGC, SO. MUCH! *crosses fingers and wrestles on the morality of going into the future and seeing who won, changing it to my name and then coming back to act surprised*
I’d go back to before I started college and warn myself about the career I was choosing!
If I could go back in time I would do two things. The first would be to go meet my father’s parents, who both died when my father was young. The second would be to attend Woodstock so I could better appreciate the music and maybe get to meet Janis =)
I would go back to July 16, 1969 (and obviously stay at least through July 20th!) to witness Apollo 11 blast off, and then to see Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the Moon. As a child of the ’80s, I’ve witnessed many-a-great feat, but I’m sad that I will never be able to see first-hand such a monumental event of such historical and scientific prowess.
Um, I’d go to Geek Girl Con, duh!
I would go back until when Stonehenge was being built (some trial and error to get the timing right) just to see what they heck they were thinking! Seriously.
I would take my DeLorean, pick up my friend Patrick at 88 miles an hour, and go back in time to 1985 to see the premier of the original Back to the Future. We would show up on scene, and get Stephen Cobert style pictures with all the stars – Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover and more! We would see some serious shit and rock out in sweet 1985 gear. Save the clock tower, ya’ll!
This would be the best date!
I would go back and become my moms best friend in middle school! We would make it though together- and she was super cool!
I’d add a flux capacitor.
Whoaaaaaaa man, if I won these tickets, I’d take Kal-El. He’d pee his pants if he got to see Christopher Lloyd in person…he might pee his pants if he saw a dozen DeLoreans.
Kal-El (10 years old) is going to field this question:
“I guess I would go back in time and I would use it to ace my history test by learning about history. Is that cheating?”
Duh. I’d go back to 1938 and try to kill Hitler. Wouldn’t every time traveler do that at some point?
Oh wow, that’s a tough one. Think I gotta go practical here. I’d go back to the 80s and tell my pre-teen self to save all those jelly bracelets and leg warmers. Coulda saved myself hours of shopping for all the 80s theme parties I’ve been to!
It would be a long night of drinking with Hemingway for me.
I would go back and see the ORIGINAL opening of Back to the Future in theatres, of course!
I would go back in time to talk to Oscar Wilde in his youth. Mostly to see if he was entertaining ass he seems like he would have been.
I’d go back in time to meet Richard Feynman–perhaps during his time spent at Los Alamos though maybe later because his wife died during that time. He’s my hero.
I’d go into the future, maybe somewhere around 2100 because I would love to see what the world would be like at the turn of the next century. I’m fascinated by technology and science so I’d be excited to see what advancements have been achieved by that time. I also likely wouldn’t have to worry about possibly running into my “other self” since that would make me 119 by that point.