Geeks Bleed this Month for Women in Horror (WiH)
February is Women in Horror Recognition Month. Ladies in Canada, Uk, and the US are coming together to showcase female fearlessness, skill, involvement, and power in the horror genre through film festivals, conventions, parties, charity auctions, and web-based interviews. WiH also organizes blood drives! What better way to celebrate women splattering blood than to voluntarily have blood taken!
For more bloody details check out
GeekGirlCon is encouraging Geeks to bleed for a month. We will soon be posting our donation date, but until then please don’t wait to let the blood flow. Blood banks are the lowest they have been in a decade and we must share what we have to give.
After you have donated, post on the Geeks Bleed this Month for Women in Horror (WiH) Facebook page your pictures, video, donor card, or whatever proof you have, and we will enter you in a drawing for fabulous prizes. The drawing will be held at the end of the month, and we will contact you via Facebook.
To Donate:
-You want to feel healthy and weigh at least 110 pounds.
– Be at least 17 years of age.
You can’t donate if:
-You have traveled outside of the US and Canada within the last 6months. Some countries are okay; the concern is malaria. They will ask you some questions.
– You have been tattooed in the last 6 months.
– You have seen a dentist within the last 3 days or received a Flu shot in the last 2 days.
For answers to other questions check with the Puget Sound Blood Center or with your chosen blood donation center.
Thank you