
You’re Invited to Kick Off GeekGirlCon 2013

GGC '13 Kick Off Party

It’s the night before GeekGirlCon ‘13. You’ve checked into your hotel, picked up your GeekGirlCon weekend pass early so you can beat the crowds tomorrow, and gone for a long wander around the block. You see the evening stretching out before you in unending boredom, as the time space continuum conspires against you, and the start of GeekGirlCon ’13 seems to spiral further and further away…

Don’t worry–we can help!

Come to the free GeekGirlCon ‘13 Kickoff Party at Tap House Grill from 6p.m. to 9p.m. on Friday, October 18! Our sweet pals over at the Seattle Browncoats Charities are co-hosting this party with us, so we’ve got four pool tables to play on and talk around. Plus, the excellent Tap House Grill offerings of food and drink will stave off the evening munchies and help those hours fly by. It’s an excellent place to meet new friends, map out the panels you’re going to see and the games you’ll play, and just relax and have a great time with your GeekGirlCon peeps.

And when we’re done, you can meander back to your hotel with your first memories from GeekGirlCon ’13 dancing in your head. Though it is just possible there might be somewhere else to go before you mosey off to bed, so stay tuned.

Details for the evening:

What: GeekGirlCon ‘13 Kickoff Party
Where: Tap House Grill, 1506 Sixth Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
When: 6-9PM
Who: GeekGirlCon, Seattle Browncoats Charities, Anyone who wants to start the convention weekend off right!
How Much: No charge to attend! Food and beverage available for purchase.

All ages are welcome!

Bring your pool cues, and maybe your dancing shoes, and come hang out with us the night before GeekGirlCon ‘13!

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Laurel McJannet
“Rock On!”

Laurel McJannet

Back in the day (we won’t say when), Laurel cut out words from Seventeen™, took pictures of friends/cute boys, and arranged them onto her PeeChee, protecting the final masterpiece with strips of Scotch tape as makeshift lamination. Fast-forward a ”few” years later where Laurel now writes, designs and consults as a marketing professional. (She has a B.A. in Communications and a MARCOM Certificate from the University of Washington.) The day she got access from IT to update a website (using straight up HTML, BTW) was the day she became… A GEEK. This website led to more websites and managing major ecommerce projects. Today, there isn’t a CMS she can't figure out, she’s mastered the art of translating tech-speak for the non-techie, and she is proof that marketing and IT can co-exist and not implode. Laurel enjoys all things Apple™, yoga, and the antics of her 8-year-old son (which she writes about on her blog and FB.) She is a recovering Tetris, Farmville, Café World and Cityville social gamer who now feeds her addiction with Clash of Clans, Plants vs. Zombies, Faireway Solitare, Draw Something, and Words with Friends on her iPad. Let’s play!

2 responses to “You’re Invited to Kick Off GeekGirlCon 2013”

  1. Steven Jones says:

    Hello there….I came across your website today through a link from my friend Jerica Truax. I am a professional balloon decorator here in Seattle and I would like to know how I could possibly be involved. I am actually doing some cosplay balloon outfits the week before for the Chance Fashion Show, so I’m wondering if there’s some way it can cross over.

    Anyway, check out my site at http://www.balloondesigners.com and let me know if there’s a way we can work together on this…


  2. […] will be hosting a kickoff party on October 18th at the Tap House Bar and Grill. It’s free to attend, with food and drink […]

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