#GGC19 Sunday Preview
Can you believe it’s Day 2 of GeekGirlCon 2019? Since GGC is one weekend long, that means it’s the last day as well. This is the first year I’m working at the con, and I have to say it’s so satisfying seeing everyone sharing their passions and favorite fandoms through panels, cosplay, performances, and art work.
While this is the official last day of #GGC19, keep the spirit going after the convention ends by using the hashtag #ShareYourWorld. Each one of you, whether you’re a volunteering or attending, makes GeekGirlCon so great!

Meet and Greet

Chat with our Featured Contributors at the signing table!
Women of NASA @ 11:00 AM
Hafsah Faizal @ 12:00 PM
Johnnie Jae @ 1:00 PM
Paula Burrows @ 2:00 PM
The Doubleclicks @ 3:00 PM
SassyBlack @ 4:30 PM

Listen to our talented panelists discuss topics close to your heart.
A Journey through Space and Time: Women of NASA
@ 10:00 AM in Garnet
Join Chief of the Human Exploration & Space Operations Division, Trudy Kortes, and Manufacturing Engineer, Dajae Williams, as they discuss what led them to a career in STEM, the amazing and challenging work they do at NASA, and how you could count yourself among NASA’s prestigious workforce.
Grab Your Tea and Slippers: Why Cozy Games are the Next Big Thing
@ 11:30 AM in Samus
The idea of playing wholesome games has become more prominent and—dare we say?—normalized. From Animal Crossing to Calico, titles are allowing players to take a break, relax, and enjoy a gentler side of life while also providing more opportunities for inclusivity within the gaming community. Let’s get comfy and discuss why cozy games are an upcoming force in the industry, examples of our favorites, and why we shouldn’t hide the fact we want kinder, gentler titles to enjoy!
Potions and Pedagogy: Exploring Depictions of Teaching in Genre Media
@ 1:00 PM in Samus
So many of our favorite works of fantasy and science-fiction are set in schools. But are the teachers and depictions of the classroom ones we should emulate or strongly criticize? A panel of experienced (and nerdy) teachers at the middle-school, high-school, and college level will apply their personal knowledge and current educational theory to the world of fictional classrooms—from the cadet training of space, to the open landscapes of shonen anime, to the classrooms of Hogwarts.
¿Cómo Se Dice ‘Nerd’?
@ 2:30 PM in Mulan
This panel will explore the intersection of latinidad and geekdom. Yes, Latinxs can be nerds! For four years, this panel has been a space to talk about what it means to identify as a “Latinx nerd.” This year, we’ll explore how our geeky interests can help us serve our community by building confidence, clarifying vision, and keeping us humble through it all. The panel will feature self-identified Latinx creators, thinkers, and geeks. The audience is welcome to submit questions to the panel by tweeting @comosedicenerd using the hashtag #GGC19.
Knotty Geeks: Fiber Arts and Fandom
@ 4:00 PM in Samus
This presentation will focus on the ways in which women and girls have used traditionally feminine arts to create geeky and STEM masterpieces! We will celebrate vibrant examples of crochet, knitting, cross stitch, and community projects that have a nerdy focus, while also exploring some resources for designing your own geeky projects. Attendees are encouraged to bring fiber arts to the presentation – finished or in-progress – as we we have a short show and tell.
Geek Fitness
@ 5:30 PM in Mulan
Want to engage with some of your favorite fandoms in new ways? Geek fitness is here for you! Learn why people get involved with different fandom fitness communities, how these communities grow and change over the years (especially with the addition of new canon), and how newcomers can get involved.
Events and Performances

Experience fandom in a new way!
Kids Cosplay Celebration
@ 11:30 AM in Garnet
Join us for our second annual Kids’ Cosplay Celebration! Come support our younger geeks as they share their handiwork and start their journey in the world of cosplay!
Steven and the Crystal Gems: A Sing-Along Jam Session
@ 1:30 PM in Chell
Hey Steven Universe fans! Do you yearn for some Jam Buds of your own? Do you wish a sing-along panel could Be Wherever You Are? Have you been Strong In The Real Way waiting? Well no need to be a Wailing Stone any longer. What’s the Use of Feeling Blue? Here Comes a Thought, why not Let Us Drive this musical panel Into Your Heart! Let us Notice You’re A Star and come sing along with us! Full Disclosure, this will be the most fun you’ll have on this or any planet.
Never Alone (lightsaber show)
@ 3:00 PM in Garnet
A former Sith apprentice has turned to the light and joins the Jedi. They struggle to integrate into the Jedi Order, but with the help of their master manage to find a place for themselves in the temple. But, their former Sith master is obsessed with bringing them back to the Dark Side, spelling possible disaster for their new-found Jedi family… Join Kamino Temple of Saber Guild for a performance of lightsaber choreography and stage combat! **CONTENT WARNING** This show heavily features emotional abuse and manipulation by a parental/guardian figure.
Cosplay Contest
@ 5:00 PM in Garnet
Join us for our annual Cosplay Contest at GeekGirlCon 2019! Come and support your fellow geeks as they showcase their finest wears and craftship while bringing their favorite characters to life. There will be prizes for stage presence and costume artistry. Cheer on our fantastic cosplayers!

Get your game on!
King of Tokyo Tutorial and Tournament
@ 11:00 AM in Storm
Will you be the King of Tokyo? Stomp, bite, and hack your way through Tokyo as you battle rival monsters for control of the city. Sign-ups start on Saturday morning. Secure your spot early to ensure your monster will rule the streets! Sign up at the Tabletop Info Booth! As with all our tournaments, we’ll start off with a practice and learning round to get everyone set up for a chance at winning.
Let’s Play Games with the Ladies of Blizzard!
@ 12:00 PM in Rey
We are so excited to have some awesome women from Blizzard Entertainment join us at GeekGirlCon this year! Come hang out at the Let’s Play Stage while they answer your questions about working in the industry while playing some of the Blizzard titles they’ve worked on!
Go Tournament
@ 2:00 PM in Storm
The Seattle Go Center is running a tournament of this classic game which has no chance and requires a lot of strategy. They’ll be doing tutorials all weekend at their table in the Tabletop area, so stop by there to learn the basic rules before jumping into this fun tournament! Sign up for the tournament at the Tabletop Info Booth!
GeekGirlCon Staff RPG
@ 4:30 PM in Rey
Join our GeekGirlCon staff as we close out #GGC19 with a one shot RPG, led by our favourite Game Master, Andy! After a year of planning and a weekend of con, we’re bound to be a little over-tired, which means hilarity should ensue when we get together to play on the Let’s Play Stage!
Find all of these meet-ups in Shuri!
Deaf Culture @10 AM
Harry Potter @ 11:30 AM
LGBTQIA+ @ 2:30pm PM
Women of Color @ 4:30 PM
Anime @ 5:30 PM

Try something new at #GGC19!
Make ‘em laugh: Standup Comedy to Ignite Curiosity and Increase Self-Confidence
@ 10:30 AM in Furiosa
Nerdy is the new cool! Whether you work in STEM, study science, are a science-enthusiast or a geek—this workshop is for you! Explore standup and how to see the humor in your work or personal life by engaging with professionals in the field of science comedy. You will learn how to brainstorm ideas, deliver jokes, have a stage presence, overcome fear, talk through a microphone, deliver punchlines, and communicate in an engaging, personal way. After this 90 minute workshop, you will have enough material to perform your own 3 minute standup gig at the end! With this set, you are invited to perform at the Science Standup comedy show “The Dark Side of Research.”
From Character Creation to Career Planning
@ 1:00 AM in America
Dump stats, job points, skill trees: nerds have a lot of practice building characters designed to excel in their chosen professions, but we don’t always know how to do the same in real life. This workshop will provide a career planning framework grounded in character creation systems, like the kinds found in Final Fantasy titles, D&D campaigns, or Bioware games. Together, we’ll make a space to reflect, clarify, and celebrate our experiences and sketch out a character sheet for our professional selves.
MysteryBox Game Design Challenge
@ 3:30 PM in Furiosa
Participants will work in teams with tabletop industry experts to create a game using only a box of mystery items. At the end, the games will be judged based on a set of predetermined criteria—and the best designs get a prize!
Improv for tabletop games
@ 5:30 PM in Furiosa
The tabletop is your stage and the players are the actors. Made for bards, warriors, and warlocks alike, the purpose of this workshop is to help encourage players and DMs to tap into their inner improv actor—preparing them for anything at the table that gets thrown their way! Whether you’re dungeon crawling or fighting against an undead lord, learn some new skills and join us for this interactive panel!
Tell us about your day on social!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr to keep up with what’s going on this weekend and all year long. Post your own con-happenings using #GGC19, and remember to #ShareYourWorld!