A Growing Sense of Community: GiveBIG is Today
Today is the day—GiveBIG!
First and foremost, GeekGirlCon is a community. Despite these trying times, we will continue to push forward and persevere. We wouldn’t be here today without the love and support of all of you, helping us expand and reach new heights with every passing year. We know that the last few months have been uncertain and challenging, but your continued support and dedication to our cause is what pushes us to barrel forward. We have a goal to accomplish, and that mission is to make sure that everyone feels supported, welcomed, and encouraged to express what they love and celebrate their unique self.
Whether or not you are able to donate this year, your support means the world to us. While we lean on the love and dedication of our community to guide us forward—we absolutely want you to lean on us too.
Beyond the scope of the convention, we want to help foster this community through trying times. We want to be a place where you can share your passions and learn, educate, and grow. Together, we can get through this. Seattle, GeekGirlCon—everyone, everywhere. This is a time to gather together (while practicing social distancing, of course).

For now, we wish you and your family the best. Stay healthy, safe, and happy during these times of uncertainty. Support each other, love each other.
We are a community, and we’re in this together. Thank you for supporting us, and thank you for Giving Big. ❤️
Indigo & and GeekGirlCon Family