
Happy New Year!

…and we’re back!

Another year and the world remains ever-changing. We’re all a little bit older and a pinch wiser than we were before. We’re better equipped to face the challenges that we’ll inevitably cross as we segue into 2020. It’s a new year—heck, it’s a new decade! It’s time to set new goals and try new things. Learn a new skill or rekindle your love from the nostalgia of years past. Read more books, WRITE more books. Go somewhere unexpected. Meet new people and share new experiences. Speak up. Grow.

The GeekGirlCon team is slowly waking up from a brief hiatus as we begin to stitch together our annual celebration of geekery and fun. This year marks our tenth anniversary, and we’ve got big plans and even bigger ideas.

Thank you for growing with us, learning alongside us, and continuing to support us. We’re so excited to share another year with all of you and we’re eager to see how we grow as an organization and as a community moving forward.

With that, cheers. Stay tuned and welcome to 2020, everyone. 🥂

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Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Indigo Boock

Indigo is a freelance writer & narrative designer in the games industry. She is grossly obsessed with her cat, classic tropes in horror, and loves recreating food from Studio Ghibli films.

5 responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Bridgitt says:

    I’ve been to every single geekgirlcon and I just turned twenty and so ggc has been a big part of my life thus far, really excited for the tenth year anniversary!

  2. Kiem Lam says:

    Happy New Year! May it be a very prosperous and happy one! I am SO excited to see what you all have planned for your 10th anniversary!!

    I love this community <3

  3. phuong busselle says:

    would love to know when 2020 con is happening to apply as a vendor

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