
Help GiveBIG to GeekGirlCon!

Did you know that not only does GeekGirlCon put on a fantastic con every October, but that we also organize weekly inclusive gaming events, march in Seattle’s Pride parade, and celebrate women in science, tech, gaming, comics, and all other geekdoms at a variety of events throughout the year?

To keep our momentum, we’re teaming up with the Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG program. Why? Let’s break it down real quick.

What is GiveBig? A one-day, online charitable giving event, GiveBIG is designed to raise money for our region’s hard-working nonprofits.The Seattle Foundation will host its sixth annual GiveBIG from midnight to midnight on May 3. Its goal: to invest $20 million in community nonprofits.

Rad, right?


This means GeekGirlCon — a 100% volunteer-run organization and 501c3 nonprofit — has the opportunity to participate in a “stretch pool.” Basically, in addition to the money we raise on the day, we get an additional percentage of funds from the Seattle Foundation.

With this additional funding, we can increase our fundraising and add even more diverse guests and options to our programming in promoting the role of women in geek culture. Check out Exhibit A, the stats from last year. We’d love to do better!

Exhibit A

So, what does it take to be a GiveBig donor? Anyone can be a GiveBIG donor on May 3. You can start donating from April 18th (pre-giving) until midnight on May 3 (that’s the big day!).

And, oh yeah, you can add a little sparkle to your tax return. All donations made on May 3 are tax deductible in the full amount (prior to any fees), or can be matched by your employer.

How do I donate? On our very own donation page on the GiveBIG site.


GeekGirlCon, and the cats of the Internet, thank you for your donation.

This rules, and I want to share the word, how can I do that? First of all, you rock!

Looking for some info to share? Remember how we said we’re 100% volunteer-run? We’d like to show you Exhibit B:

Exhibit B

We hope you join us in this adventure! Questions? Tweet us @GeekGirlCon or email us at info@geekgirlcon.com.

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Ashli Blow
“Rock On!”

Ashli Blow

Ashli is a news writer and digital producer who loves comic books.

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