January Geek About Town
Happy 2013, everyone! While the New Year is here and the holiday season winds down, take a look at these geektastic events in January!
Saturday, January 5: The Doubleclicks & Molly Lewis in Seattle!
Geek girl music at its finest! From the Facebook event page: “There’s no cover charge, but we do the indie “suggested donation” thing – so if you can afford it, please support the tour with a donation of $5 or $10 – or maybe buy a CD or a poster!”
Saturday, January 12: Seattle Elvis Invitationals at the EMP Museum
From the Facebook event page: “The 16th annual search for Seattle’s best amateur Elvis Impersonator. **Buy tickets in advance, this event sells out every year!** 21 and over with ID required.”
Friday, January 18-Sunday, January 20: RustyCon
From the website: “Rustycon has a focus on literature, science, art, costumes, and gaming. After dark, many fen can be found enjoying the various parties and night time events. Join us as we explore the alternate worlds of the human imagination.”
Saturday, January 19: Vox Fabuli Beginning Puppetry Class
From the press release: “In this fun, dynamic class, you’ll learn the foundations of good stage puppetry – focus, physical commitment and basic puppet operation. We’ll focus on how to make your puppet seem alive and connect with the audience. You’ll get lots of hands-on time with professional arm-and-rod puppets plus a simple practice puppet to take home so you can keep working on your skills. No puppet experience required, class recommended for ages 15 and up, and class size limited to 16.”
Saturday, January 13: Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Film Festival
From the webpage: “EMP in partnership with SIFF will present the eighth annual Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Film Festival on January 19, 2013 at the Seattle Cinerama Theater. The festival brings together industry professionals in filmmaking and the genres of science fiction and fantasy to encourage and support new, creative additions to science fiction and fantasy cinema arts. The festival will showcase animated and live-action in science fiction and fantasy films.”
Saturday, January 19: Rat City Roller Girls Season Opener
The Rat City Rollergirls return to the track in KeyArena in their season opener!
Monday, January 21: Nerd Nite – Gotta catch a ball!
From the Facebook event page: “Eat your heart out, nerds! This month we’ve got Pokémon… we’ve got board games… and as always, we have fabulous new, nerdy friends and ample amounts of beer!”
Wednesday, January 23: Central Cinema’s TV Dinner featuring GeekGirlCon presents “Red Sonja”
From the invite: “Whether your introduction to Red Sonja was from her debut in a short story in 1934, her first appearance in Marvel’s Conan the Barbarian comic series in 1973, or her own feature film in 1985 (this one, in fact), you can relive the action of Red Sonja’s revenge on Queen Gedren. Enjoy snacks or a meal while attending a showing (or two) of Red Sonja.”
Friday, January 25-Monday, Jan 28: Central Cinema’s I Heart Sequels Series “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” presented by GeekGirlCon (on January 25)
From the invite: “GeekGirlCon is introducing another event with Central Cinema during the month of sequels: Terminator 2: Judgment Day! Many consider this film to be even better than the original Terminator; come on down and judge for yourself. Marvel yet again at the size and definition of Linda Hamilton’s biceps, and enjoy the terror of the liquid, shape-shifting T-1000 played by Robert Patrick.”
Friday, January 25: An Evening at Merlotte’s Burlesque Show
From the Facebook event page: “You are cordially invited to a special night of music, burlesque, and vampires with the citizens of Bon Temps! Join us for one of two shows, either at 7 p.m. or 10 p.m. on January 25 at the Highway 99 Blues Club for a celebration of all things True Blood.”
How are you going to celebrate the first month of 2013, readers?
Also, SIFF is having their annual Sci-Fi and Fantasy short film fest on Jan 19th at Cinerama!
Added! Thanks, Arwen!