
Join Our Team at GeekGirlCon!

Guess what? You’re in luck! Why? Because GeekGirlCon is looking for amazing, passionate individuals to join our team, and that means YOU!

(Image Description: A gif of the actor Jenny Slate in a TV interview shrugging her shoulders and moving her head from side to side with her arms up. The caption says “Welcome.” Source: Giphy.)

Part of what makes GeekGirlCon so incredible is that we are powered by a team of volunteers. Each of us is committed to making every aspect of our convention and organization as fun, exciting, inclusive, and informative as it possibly can be.

(Image Description: A gif of A group of people wearing coordinating clothes jumping up against a black background. The caption says “Teamwork!” Source: Giphy.)

Currently, we have a wide variety of opportunities to get involved and help out, whether with a larger commitment of a staff role throughout the year, individual event volunteers, or GeekGirlCon Agents and Special Agents.

From Copywriter to Accessibility Manager to Executive Director (wrangling all of the exciting elements that make GeekGirlCon possible!), we have a wide variety of roles to fit your interests, skills, and desired time commitment.

For more information on available positions and detailed role descriptions, check us out at https://geekgirlcon.com/get-involved/volunteer/. Help us make GeekGirlCon ‘18 better than ever by joining our hard-working, fun-loving, tight-knit team!

(Image Description: A gif of David Tennant as Doctor Who looking urgent and yelling. The caption says “Allons-y!” Source: Giphy.)

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Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Hanna Hupp

A recent English Lit grad, Hanna is an enthusiastic Hufflepuff who spends as much time as possible reading, writing, and engaging in in-depth critical analyses of the graphic novels, old SyFy shows, and the Bachelor franchise with anyone who will listen. When not developing intense crushes on (inconveniently) fictional characters or outlining a variety of stories she might hopefully get around to writing one day, Hanna can usually be found listening to comedy podcasts while googling 1960’s NASA launches.

2 responses to “Join Our Team at GeekGirlCon!”

  1. Heidi Grahn says:

    I just finished another successful convention, and I am very interested in joining your team.
    Please contact me so that I can talk to you about what I can bring to the table.

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