
Join Team GeekGirlCon!

Ready to volunteer? All volunteer staff positions are posted here. Need more convincing? Read on…

Are you counting down the days until GeekGirlCon? Do you want more GeekGirlCon in your life, perhaps all year round? If so, consider joining the volunteer staff at GeekGirlCon!

Image courtesy of Giphy [Image description: A gif from the movie Air Bud. A close-up shot of six boys stacking one of their hands on top of the other in a group huddle.  At the last second, a dog’s paw joins the top of the stack.]

Volunteer staff are dedicated to GeekGirlCon’s mission to celebrate and honor the legacies of under-represented groups in science, technology, comics, arts, literature, game play, and game design. It’s a lot of work, but it brings us so much joy to be able to organize GeekGirlCon year after year. If you need more convincing about our love of the mission, read these testimonials from volunteers on why they give their time to GeekGirlCon. We need passionate geeky people such as yourself to help us make GeekGirlCon an inviting, inclusive space for all.

Another reason to join our volunteer staff? You get to work with amazing people! All of us volunteers take the GeekGirlCon values of being Welcoming, Community, Empowerment, Diversity, and Inclusivity seriously. We strive to ensure all of our volunteers have the tools they need to make GeekGirlCon a success, and to have some fun in the process.

We have a wide range of volunteer positions available, such as Program Coordinator, Accessibility Manager, and even Executive Director. Check out our Volunteer page for the full list of open roles.

We hope you decide to join Team GeekGirlCon!

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Kalyna Durbak
“Rock On!”

Kalyna Durbak

Kalyna is a copywriter at GeekGirlCon, and a professional Jill-of-all-trades.

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