
Join us at Emerald City Comicon!

Join GeekGirlCon and Julie Caitlin Brown!

Are you attending Emerald City Comicon? GeekGirlCon will have tons of staff and volunteers at the convention — and we’d really like to meet you! In fact, there are two great opportunities to connect with us.

Discussion with Julie Caitlin Brown

The amazing team at Emerald City Comicon invited us to moderate a discussion with Julie Caitlin Brown, a “geek girl” extraordinaire who played Na’Toth on Babylon 5 and who is now a producer, musician, and convention agent for several actors, including Katee Sackhoff and Christopher Judge.

The panel discussion with take place Friday, March 30, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Room 4C1-2. Jennifer K. Stuller, GeekGirlCon’s Programming Creative Director, and Susie Rantz, GeekGirlCon PR Manager, will lead this discussion with Brown. We’ll be talking about how her acting career got started, her current projects, and some of her own geeky passions.

Are there any questions you’d like us to ask? Leave them in the comments below.

GeekGirlCon Meet-up

We are also hosting a GeekGirlCon meet-up on Saturday, March 31, from noon to 2 p.m. The wonderful staff at The Living Room (a bar just blocks away on Capitol Hill) have opened their doors just for us! Come eat some yummy grub and enjoy tasty drinks and good company.

Whether you are attending Emerald City Comicon or just looking for a fun way to connect with geeks on the weekend, we hope you’ll join us! Stop by for a few minutes before heading to another panel, or join us for all two hours! We’ll even have prizes for best cosplay.


Date: Saturday, March 31
Where: The Living Room Bar (1355 E. Olive Way, Seattle)
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Who: Anyone (age 21 or older) who supports geeky women

Cost: While we would love to pay for everybody, we just don’t have that kind of cash lying around. Your entry is covered, and we’ll have limited food platters available, but you’ll be responsible for any drinks you order!

RSVP: We do have space constraints to keep in mind and strongly encourage those of you interested in coming to this meet-up to RSVP on Facebook, or by emailing Susie Rantz at pr@geekgirlcon.com.

Walking Directions and Map

The Living Room bar is only a half-mile to the northeast of the Washington State Convention Center, which is located on the corner of 8th Ave and Pike Street.

When you head outside the door, take a right to head east on Pike Street toward 9th Avenue (if you’re heading up hill and over the highway, you’re going the right direction!).

Turn left onto Melrose Avenue.

Turn right onto E Olive Way.

The Living Room is on the left at 1355 E Olive Way.

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