
June 2015 Geek About Town!

Looking for awesome stuff to do in June, fellow geeks? Here’s a great start for you!

Monday, June 1:  Tech Sandbox Competition
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering
1414 NE 42nd Street, Suite 204
Seattle, WA 98105
From the website: “Teams of undergraduate and graduate students compete to see who can create the best neural engineering demo. The Tech Sandbox is a UW class created by Lise Johnson, research fellow in neurological surgery and education manager at the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering.

Students in the class hail from computer science, neuroscience, bioengineering, electrical engineering and more. Reception follows the competition.”


Monday, June 1:  Graz, Crunk Witch (on tour from Maine!), Death*Star, and Lex Lingo
10:00 pm
Tim’s Tavern on 105th
602 N 105th St, Seattle, Washington 98133

21+ | $5 Donation | 10pm
10:15 – Lex Lingo
10:50 – Death*Star
11:25 – Crunk Witch (on tour from Maine)
12:00 – Graz

READY TO GET ROWDY?! Head down to Tim’s Tavern for an electro/hip hop show the likes of which you’ll never see again Get your jam on!


Tuesday, June 2:  Understanding Addiction: A Balancing Act (Queen Anne Science Cafe)
7:00 pm – 12:00 am
T.S. McHugh’s
21 Mercer St,
Seattle, WA 98109
From the website: “Impulse control disorders such as addiction are debilitating diseases that have profound effects on behavior. Talk with Seattle Children’s Research Institute’s Dr. Susan Ferguson, Ph.D. while she discusses her work on unraveling the complexity of the brain. One of the primary goals of her research is to help understand the causes of these diseases and to explore new avenues for treatment.”


Saturday, June 6:  Seattle Works Day
From the website: “Volunteer with teams across Seattle in an epic day of giving-back! Join over a thousand volunteers and local companies as we come together at over 50 nonprofits, schools and parks to get some serious work done. This is your chance to send a ripple effect across our city!
12-3:30pm: Volunteer projects around the Puget Sound
3:30-5:30pm: After Party at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
5:30–7pm:  Sounders v. KC match viewing with the Gorilla FC Volunteer Team
Cost: $30/volunteer (includes t-shirt, project, and access to after party at the Seattle Center with food, beer, and entertainment)

*sponsorship options include employee registration

Sign up here!


Saturday & Sunday, June 6-7:  Pagdiriwang Philippine Festival
From the website: “The Filipino Cultural Heritage Society of Washington (FCHSW) proudly presents Pagdiriwang, commemorating the anniversary of Philippine Independence. Held on the first or second week of June at the Seattle Center since 1987, the event has grown into the biggest festival of Filipino arts and culture in the Pacific Northwest.

This celebration is a part of Seattle Center Festál, a series of cultural programs sponsored by the City of Seattle. Pagdiriwang provides a venue for Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike to learn about the culture. It is an ideal setting for presenting art, craft, song, dance, music, history, literature, and culture to promote better understanding of the Filipino cultural heritage.”


Friday, June 12: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse
From the Meetup page: “Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of Tokyo, Völuspá, Alien Frontiers, Locke & Key, Coup, Tokaido,The Resistance, Skull and Roses, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Toc Toc Woodman, FLUXX and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee. There are also local pastries and vegetarian/vegan treats, if you get hungry during all that gameplay.”


Saturday & Sunday, June 13-14:  World Ocean Weekend (Seattle Aquarium)
10:00am – 5:00pm
Seattle Aquarium
From the website: “Celebrate the world’s one big ocean with us and learn to be an ocean hero! Everyone, no matter where they live, can help keep the ocean clean and healthy. We’ll show you how with a variety of hands-on activities and special demonstrations.”


Tuesday, June 16:  Fingerprinting the Enemy: Our Body’s War on Germs (Eastside Science Cafe)
7:00pm – 12:00am
Wilde Rover
111 Central Way
Kirkland, WA 98033
From the website: “When we become infected with a pathogen — be it a virus, bacteria or parasite — our body mounts a powerful defense using many different types of cells and the weapons these cells make. One example of these weapons is called an antibody. Join Dr. Kate Williams as she describes how the body uses antibodies to create a unique memory of different infectious agents and how this specific antibody response helps protect us against infections later in life. Most of the time this works, but sometimes it doesn’t: come hear Dr. Williams explain why.”


Tuesday, June 16:  Jennifer Brozek and Kristi Charish – Reading & Book Signing
Chimera Incarnate and Owl and the Japanese Circus (APOCALYPSE INK PRODUCTIONS) (GALLERY BOOKS)
University Bookstore – University District store
From the website: “At the center of supernatural worlds filled with secrets, Jennifer Brozek’s Karen Wilson and Kristi Charish’s Owl are two of urban fantasy’s fiercest modern heroines. In the final book of Brozek’s Karen Willson series, Wilson—a 911 operator recruited by the master of her city’s supernatural societies—enters her final fight to keep their world from being destroyed by the dark forces just below its surface. Introducing Owl, an ex-archaeology grad student turned international antiquities thief, Charish’s debut novel follows Owl as she searches for a stolen artifact for a red dragon, only to find out others with more nefarious plans for the powerful object are hot on her tail. Joining us for a reading and signing, Brozek and Charish will share their action-packed new adventures.”


Saturday, June 20:  Paramount Park Star Party
From the website: “Join us at Paramount Park in Shoreline on Saturday, June 20, 2015, from 9:00pm to 11:00pm, for an evening of public observing and learning about the universe.
Sunset Times:

  • Official at 09:11 PM
  • Civil at 09:52 PM
  • Nautical at 10:48 PM
  • Astronomical at 12:22 AM

Location: 47.7402338, -122.3200539 (near the corner of NE 155th St and 8th Ave NE, Shoreline WA 98155)

Event Coordinator: Mike Langley”


Saturday, June 20:  Green Lake Star Party
From the website: “Join us at Green Lake, just south of the Bathhouse Theater, on Saturday, March 28, 2015, at 6:00 PM for an evening of public observing and learning about the universe.
Sunset Times:

  • Official at 09:10 PM
  • Civil at 09:51 PM
  • Nautical at 10:48 PM
  • Astronomical at 12:21 AM

Location: 47.680880, -122.341411 (near the fishing piers southeast of the Bathhouse Theater. This is the northwest side of Green Lake.)

Event Coordinator: Mary Anderson”


Saturday, June 20:  Sarah Ockler, Carly Anne West, Deb Caletti, Kimberly Derting, and Justina Chen – Reading & Book Signing
The Summer of Chasing Mermaids, The Bargaining, The Last Forever, The Replaced, and Blind Spot for Boys (VARIOUS)
University Bookstore – University District store
From the website: “Filled with strong female protagonists who prove that there’s nothing that can’t be overcome, the latest novels by YA authors Sarah Ockler, Carly Anne West, Deb Caletti, Kimberly Derting, and Justina Chen take on everything from a disabling accident, a life changing diagnosis, and the death of a family member to mysterious hauntings, alien abduction, and exciting new relationships. Chilling, challenging, funny, and romantic, their books pull you into each character’s compelling journey of self-discovery in their own unique way. Joining us for a discussion and signing, all five authors will talk about their recent books, the diverse issues they address, and writing YA fiction.”


Saturday & Sunday, June 20-21:  Festival Sundiata presents Black Arts Fest
From the website: “SUNDIATA (pronounced: Soon-jah-tah) is the Pacific Northwest’s longest running African American festival celebrated in Seattle.

The Festival continues to showcase art, education and entertainment which depicts the colorful perspectives, culture, and history of people of African descent. The partnerships consist of corporate supporters, community organizations, and individuals that understand and value the contributions of Black people in society. The depth of talent is breathtaking and the SAACA organization is committed to providing a platform to showcase the blend of artistic abilities for seasoned and new artists alike. Our partnerships in the community allows us to stay authentic and grounded while being at the pulse of what’s new and hip across the generations in entertainment, art and education.”

Check out the main festival page for an amazing list of featured guests and musicians!


Friday, June 26: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse
From the Meetup page: “Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of Tokyo, Völuspá, Alien Frontiers, Locke & Key, Coup, Tokaido,The Resistance, Skull and Roses, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Toc Toc Woodman, FLUXX and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee. There are also local pastries and vegetarian/vegan treats, if you get hungry during all that gameplay.”


Saturday, June 27:  Close to Home: A Neighborhood Tour of our Immigration History
From the website: “Join Wing Luke Museum and Inscape Arts to explore the lives and stories that helped build Seattle’s Chinatown-International District. Tour historic Chinatown, Nihonmachi, and step into the new and permanent exhibit, created by artist Morgan Dusatko, at the former INS building. Retrace the paths of Seattle’s immigration history to see what has come before to learn about where we are headed.

Tour time is about 2.5 hours of medium walking. Tour starts at Wing Luke Museum.

Registration is required. Contact Visitor Services at 206.623.5124.

Tickets are:

  • $26.95 general (includes admission into the museum)
  • $16.95 Museum members
  • A water bottle and a snack will be provided.”


Saturday, June 27:  Stephanie Barbé Hammer – Reading & Book Signing
The Puppet Turners of Narrow Interior and Inlandia (URBAN FARMHOUSE)
University Bookstore – Bellevue Store
From the website: “A mix of crime fiction, steam punk, and academic farce, Stephanie Barbé Hammer’s debut novel is a genre bending modern fable unlike anything else. Set in a sleepy American town, the book tells the story of a group of misfits—including talking tattoos, a monkey king, tall Mennonites, ghosts, and a man with the ability to bring objects to life—who all come together to discover the town’s forgotten history and hidden secrets, inspiring a sense of value the community has been missing for years. Joining us for a reading and signing, Hammer will share her wonderfully original new book with us.”


Saturday, June 27:  Raziel Reid – Reading & Book Signing
When Everything Feels Like the Movies (ARSENAL PULP PRESS)
University Bookstore – University District store
From the website: “Already a winner of the Governor’s General Literary Award for Children’s Literature in Canada, Raziel Reid’s debut novel introduces the unforgettable character of Jude, a confidently gay teen ostracized by his classmates who likes to wear his mother’s high heels, smoke pot, and dream of life as a movie star. Constantly searching for a place where he is accepted and celebrated, what makes Jude and his story especially memorable is the way he deals with the bullying and torment he faces—by imagining his life as a film. Joining us for a reading and signing of his incisive, gender-bending new book, Reid will share its powerful story and discuss the important real-world issues it brings up.”


Do you have a geeky event to plug? Email Shubz Blalack. We are happy to feature events outside of the Seattle Metro area!

Please note: GeekGirlCon reserves the right to approve or deny any event submissions. All submissions must be in alignment with GeekGirlCon’s Mission Statement.

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