March Geek of the Month: Kristine Hassell
Hey everyone!
We at GeekGirlCon thought it would be great to spotlight one staff member per month so you can see who’s behind the scenes putting together GeekGirlCon 2012. Here’s the first one!
Name: Kristine Hassell
Occupation: Impenitent gadabout
Position in GeekGirlCon: Twitter Administrator
1: What are you geeky about right now?
I nerd over several things right now. My longstanding RPG has gone on a short creative hiatus so I’ve been having a blast with D&D in the interim! I play a female Vryloka vampire in a weekly campaign. If our game had a tagline, it would read: “Two noble ladies; one a mistress of the Shadowfell, one a daughter of the Feywild, join forces over the centuries to strengthen and defend their honoured families.” I have played in several games and it’s been an absolute blast! We even made custom tokens using washers bought from the hardware store and one inch cut-outs of the characters.
Second, the cello. I am fulfilling a lifelong dream to learn how to play this gorgeous instrument. No matter how much I complain about it, I secretly love the fact that I’m (slowly) leveling up my skill. I am proud of the callouses on my fingertips or any time when my left ring finger knows exactly where F# is! One day I want to play a piece of music from memory, but until then, I’ll enjoy my weekly lessons with my exceedingly patient teacher and remember to have fun.
Lastly, all things Marvel. I mentioned in my GeekGirlCon bio that my father would bring home Marvel comics from the Naval base every month. My Marvel lust has been rekindled with the recent films (Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor). I’m re-reading comics from our local library and I’m counting down the days until the Avengers Assemble release! It also doesn’t hurt that Hiddleston makes such a swoonerific Loki…
2: How did you find out about GeekGirlCon?
I saw a flyer last year and wanted to know more. After attending the amazing Jane Espenson panel, I fell in love with the entire vibe of the con, far different from any other that I had attended.
3: Why did you choose to get involved with GeekGirlCon?
I was so impressed with the way the first year’s con went that I knew I needed to be a part of their second year. Being a geek for most of my life and feeling that stigma associated with it, I wanted to give something back. I want to show solidarity with my fellow sisters who love comics and anime and sci-fi! Nerding out over who’s the best doctor (4th… because you never forget your first doctor) or who would win in a fight, cavemen and astronauts? I’d love to be a role model who gives something back but I also wanted to work with some amazing people… which I DO!
4. When did you figure out you were a geek?
The event that stands out in my head is when my father let me skip school to watch Empire Strikes Back with him on opening day. He wrote a note excusing my absence and we waited in line with many others at the historic Alabama Theatre in Houston. Seriously it was a breathtaking theatre, click the link!
5. What’s the geekiest thing you’ve ever done?
The list is long but the one that readily pops to mind involves the final Harry Potter book. My partner and I went to a midnight release party to buy it then raced home, excited to have it in our greedy paws. Once we reached the house, he raised a good point. “Um… who’s going to read it first?” I graciously offered since I’m a speed reader. He shook his head and said, “No.” I continued to plead my very valid case. If he let me read it, starting that night for example, I could have it finished in a day… two tops! He offered a different suggestion: since we both wanted to read the book, why not read it aloud to each other before bed? We’d alternate on chapters, do voices, the whole nine yards… and neither of us would be spoiled before the other. We started that night and it became our fun ritual – a single chapter read before sleep and then the subsequent discussion of what we had just read. It took us over a month but neither of us cared because it was so much fun!
Thanks for contributing, Kristine!
Now here’s a question for everyone: When did you find out you were a geek?
Kristine – we are SO lucky to have you on the GeekGirlCon team. It’s so true that you never forget your first doctor … and I love your Harry Potter story. 🙂
[…] guest is Kristine Hassell from GEEKGIRLCON in Seattle, Oct 19-20. We talk about how it began, how she became involved, some […]