
SOLD OUT! -Represent Yourself! Come to GeekGirlCon’s Screening of Miss Representation November 30

**Update: This screening is now SOLD OUT. Advance tickets are no longer available, a limited number of “standby” tickets might become available at the door five to ten minutes prior to the screening. Standby tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on how many seats are available. Cash only.**

Miss Representation – Presented by Women’s Funding Alliance in partnership with Reel Grrls, GeekGirlCon, and SIFF. Join us on November 30th for a special screening of this compelling new film that exposes how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America.

This 90-minute documentary identifies huge gaps in the mainstream media’s portrayals and depictions of women and how the limited images actually lead to fewer women in positions of influence and power in our society. Miss Representation is essential viewing for anyone bombarded with images and memes from mainstream media (ergo, that means everyone needs see this documentary).

Visit MissRepresentation.org and take the pledge to help end sexism. Then, make sure you secure your tickets for the screening:

Wednesday, November 30th
Doors open at 6:00PM, show at 7:00 PM
Uptown Theater (Lower Queen Anne neighborhood, 511 Queen Ann Ave. N)
Click here to buy tickets: $10, $5 for SIFF members

All ages are welcome to this event, but please consider this film is rated TV-14 DL for strong suggestive dialogue and strong coarse language. Visit MissRepresentation.org for more details.

Stay after the film for a panel discussion on the images of women in the media: how it currently stands and how to change it. Panelists include:

Regina Buenaobra-Community Manager at ArenaNet and Editor at The Border House Blog
Dr. Amy Peloff- Assistant Director of Comparative History of Ideas at University of Washington
Jennifer K. Stuller- Ink-Stained Amazon Author and Programming Director at GeekGirlCon
Malory Graham- Executive Director at Reel Grrls

Sara Reyerson- Director of Grant Programs at Women’s Funding Alliance
Lummy- Student at Reel Grrls

Whether a veteran activist or young upstart, this screening of Miss Representation offers everyone inspiration to become an agent of change for images of women in the media. It is time to stand up and represent! Continue the discussion at www.geekgirlcon.com/forum

Direct link to this post: www.geekgirlcon.com/miss-representation-screening

Please contact Kelly at SpecialEvents@geekgirlcon.com with any questions.

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2 responses to “SOLD OUT! -Represent Yourself! Come to GeekGirlCon’s Screening of Miss Representation November 30”

  1. […] Miss Representation: Seattle Screening at the SIFF Cinema Uptown is Sold Out! So excited for GeekGirlCon to be screening this in partnership with SIFF, Reel Grrls, and […]

  2. […] This week, I’ll be attending a screening of the documentary film, Miss Representation, and speaking on a post-film panel discussion. Here are the event details: […]

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