
One Billion Rising on Valentine’s Day


A holiday once reserved for cheesy cards and chocolate has been transformed into a global movement.

This Valentine’s Day, one billion women from around the world will demand an end to violence against women by … dancing?

Yes, dancing.

onebillionrisingFrom Seattle to Singapore, the UK to Uganda, women (and men who want to join) will band together to host dance parties and flash mobs. They will be taking part in One Billion Rising, a movement to unite people to demand an end violence against women.

Why is the movement important? One in three women will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. That is, one billion mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, and friends violated. And that is not acceptable.

But imagine what these one billion women can do when they unite. Now that’s a revolution.

One Billion Rising transcends borders, continents, and cultures. With the tagline: “WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to this violence,” it gives everyone across the globe a common rallying cry.

So, why dancing? From the One Billion Rising website:

“Dancing insists we take up space. It has no set direction but we go there together. It’s dangerous, joyous, sexual, holy, disruptive. It breaks the rules. It can happen anywhere at anytime with anyone and everyone. It’s free. No corporation can control it. It joins us and pushes us to go further. It’s contagious and it spreads quickly. It’s of the body. It’s transcendent.”

Plus, who doesn’t like to let loose and dance here and there?

Check out this great video from South Africa for a little inspiration.

Want to plan a rising? There’s a user-friendly toolkit for that! Interested in joining a rising? You can search for one; it is easy for groups or entire organizations to participate.

On this globally recognized holiday, there’s no better way to counter violence against women than with love.

Will you be dancing this Valentine’s Day?

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“Rock On!”

One response to “One Billion Rising on Valentine’s Day”

  1. Kristine says:

    I’m dancing now. True story!

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