
Programming Highlight: Lessons Learned from the World of LOLcats, FAILS, and Other Blunders

We are pleased to announce programming highlights leading up to GeekGirlCon’s inaugural convention this October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Lessons Learned from the World of LOLcats, FAILS, and Other Blunders

How does one build an empire on pictures of cats with silly, misspelled captions? As most fans of the Internet now know, Cheezburger which consists of over 50 popular humor sites such as I Can Has Cheezburger and FAIL Blog has become an Internet phenomenon. Its daily collection of LOLCats, FAILS, and other blunders are the source of endless humor, and you can be pretty sure that someone in the office is reading one of the sites and chuckling to themselves right now. But how did it happen?

Join Emily Huh, Editor in Chief of Cheezburger, as she shares her insight on how she and her husband started with one LOLCat site and grew it into one of the largest blog networks in the world where more than 16 million people come every month to get their daily dose of laughter.

Jennifer K. Stuller
“Rock On!”

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