x Programming Submissions | GeekGirlCon

Programming Submissions

Programming Submissions

Thank you for your interest in submitting an idea for programming content at GeekGirlCon ’24!

Please read the following important information thoroughly before submitting any of the programming submission forms. Also check our Programming FAQ for more information about programming submissions and acceptance. Join the Geek Girl Con Discord to connect with others as you plan your programming content.

Applications for Panels & Workshops are now closed.

Our Games Floor Host Submission Form is still open.

Questions? Email programming@geekgirlcon.com.

There are several programming submission forms:

  • Panel Submission: To submit your own panel or presentation for consideration.
  • Panelist and/or Moderator Application: To be considered as a panelist or moderator on any panels needing additional participants.
  • Workshop Submission: To submit interactive/educational content (Paint ‘n Take, hands-on wig styling tutorial, learn-to-code hour, etc.).
  • Games Floor Host Application: To submit a game you/your company created for consideration for the Gaming Floor.

When formulating and submitting your programming idea, please be aware of the following:

  • Mission-Alignment: Read over our Mission & Values and ensure that your submission is in line with them.
  • Timeliness/Buzzworthiness: Submissions that are relevant to recent events and hot topics, or which discuss important issues in interesting new ways, will generally be at an advantage.
  • Completeness: We will prioritize submissions that are complete and do not require development by our staff over those that are not complete.
  • Relevance: Keep the GeekGirlCon audience in mind when formulating your submission—what will GeekGirlCon attendees want to see? Refer to our Mission & Values if you’re not certain.
  • Your Time/Bandwidth: Please be sure that you have the time and energy to follow through with your submission once you hit “submit.” While we understand that life can get in the way, we rely on our convention participants to make GeekGirlCon a priority and put their best effort into providing great programming for our attendees.

Thank you for reading all of this important information. Now, it’s time for you to submit your proposal(s) – we’re very excited to hear what you have to offer!

Questions? Email programming@geekgirlcon.com.

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