
Programming Submissions

Games Floor Host Submission Form

Tabletop/Video Game Host Application - 2024

If you or your company creates tabletop games or video games and you would like to have a playable demo of one or more of your games at GeekGirlCon, or are an organization that runs RPGs, then this is the form for you!

Not the form you're looking for? Head back to the main Programming Submission page.

"*" indicates required fields

For the printed program.
Game Format*

Game Length*
Content Rating*
You can view our Mission and Values here.
Please note that power is not provided, and may come at additional cost.

Demographics questionnaire

The questions below do not increase or decrease the likelihood of your participation.
How did you hear about GeekGirlCon?*

I identify my ethnicity as:
My gender is:
Do you identify as transgender?

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