
Reminder: Agent Applications Are Open!

At GeekGirlCon ‘15, we had over 150 volunteers spread across three floors, helping run panels, direct con-goers, hook up A/V equipment, and coach games of all sorts and sizes. This year, with four floors and all the extra people, space, panels, and fun that go with that expansion, we need even more volunteers.

So we’re calling on you — yes, you! — to apply as a GeekGirlCon Agent for GeekGirlCon ‘16.

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We need excited, energetic, friendly, and committed individuals who want to work in all areas of the con, from behind-the-scenes to right up in the action. GeekGirlCon is entirely volunteer-run, from our executive director to copywriters, like yours truly, and each year we need more and more volunteers for the actual weekend of the convention.

The only requirements are being over 16 years old, enthusiastic about our mission, and available to work at least one day of the con (October 8 and 9). The deadline for applying to be a GeekGirlCon agent has been extended from July 1 to August 1 in order to get the numbers we need for our expanded space, so you have an even better opportunity than before!

Apply before August 1 and join us!

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Henry Behrens
“Rock On!”

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