Reminder: GeekGirlCon ’15 Kick-Off Party and GeekGirlCONcert on Friday Night!
If you’re in town on Friday night before GeekGirlCon starts THIS SATURDAY, join us at the Hard Rock Café in downtown Seattle to celebrate our 5th anniversary with our kick-off party and annual GeekGirlCONcert!
Join us from 6pm for the kick-off party and get ready for our convention! There will be free food with a cash bar, and you can skip the line on con day and pick up your badge right there. Then, at 8:30pm we’ll have our GeekGirlCONcert! Groove along as the PDX Broadsides and Thundering Asteroids! take the stage. Our event is all-ages, so feel free to bring the whole family.
This event is only for GeekGirlCon ’15 badge holders or by special invitation, so if you want to come and celebrate with us, you’ll need to have a pass. They’re expected to sell out before the weekend, so make sure you buy yours today!
Written by GeekGirlCon copywriter JC Lau