Saturday Preview
GeekGirlCon 2019 is upon us! In one hour, we’ll be opening our doors for a weekend of fun. After four years of working with GGC, I have to admit that this is one of my favorite content lineups. Each year we grow bigger and better than before, expanding upon our mission and seeking to better ourselves as a community. We’ve got a brilliant array of panels and activities, a beautifully curated exhibitors hall & artist alley, the DIY Science Zone, and so, so much more to discover and explore. There are plenty of opportunities to connect with your fellow geeks and we’re beyond excited to share what we’ve been tirelessly procuring all year.

Here is a sneak preview of some events and panels that you can look forward to today:
Catch Up With Our FCs

Catch our fabulous lineup of Featured Contributors at the signing table!
- Paula Burrows @ 11:00 AM
- Tanya DePass @ 1:15 PM
- Geanna Culbertson @ 2:30 PM
- Hafsah Faizal, Kira Jane Buxton, Molly Brooks, and Aiden Thomas @ 3:30 PM
- Feminist Frequency @ 4:30 PM
- The Doubleclicks @ 5:30 PM
- SassyBlack @ 7:30 PM

GeekGirlScouts Discuss: Disney Princesses and Their Effect on Today’s Generation
@ 10:00 AM in Chell
How are Disney movies changing to reflect our current, modern culture? GeekGirlScouts discuss!
Real Representation Matters: Examining Bi and Pan Sexuality in Media
@ 12:00 PM in Korra
This panel aims to examine media representations of bisexuality and pansexuality, which influence not only how other people perceive us, but also how we perceive ourselves. We will compare and contrast tired tropes with real representation, and talk about why that matters now more than ever.
From Brain to Bookstore Shelf
@ 1:30 PM in Korra
Have a great idea for a book? Have a completed project and wondering what comes next? Featured contributor Hope Nicholson, the owner of Bedside Press, demystifies the publishing process and guides you through the process of creating a comic, from concept to completion! This will be an in-depth guide on how to publish a comic or graphic novel from scratch.
Rising Stars: Q&A and Book Recs from Publishing’s Most Exciting Newcomers!
@ 2:30 in Garnet
Are you a bookworm? Love to get lost in YA and OwnVoices? Then do we have a panel for you! GeekGirlCon is excited to bring authors Hafsah Faizal (We Hunt the Flame), Kira Jane Buxton (Hollow Kingdom), Molly Brooks (Sanity & Tallulah), and Aiden Thomas (Cemetery Boys) to the stage. Join us as we ask these fresh faces how they got their start, what their favorite books of the year are, and much more!
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse Rez Style: A Pop Cultural Lesson in Indigenous Survival and Resilience
@ 5:30 in Garnet
This is a creative discussion on the trauma, recovery, and resilience of Indigenous people from a pop-cultural lens made popular by George A. Romero and The Walking Dead. It is an exploration of the way that Indigenous knowledge, science, weaponry, and values helped Indigenous communities survive in the aftermath of their own apocalyptic realities and how it has prepared them to survive anything—especially zombies!
The Curious Case of Women and True Crime
@ 7:30 PM in Korra
Murder mystery has been a popular genre for years–from Sherlock Holmes to Agatha Christie novels–but recently, true crime has surged into mainstream popularity. The rise of podcasts, shows, and documentaries like Serial, Making a Murderer, and My Favorite Murder highlight the increasing demand for the genre. This panel will discuss the rise of true crime as a popular genre, including what makes it so popular with women, and discuss where the genre can grow from here.
Events and Performances

Disney Sing-Along
@ 11:30 PM in Mulan
Do you feel like Disney is a Part of Your World? Many songs feel like a Tale As Old As Time, so Be Our Guest and see How Far We’ll Go in a Whole New World of an hour-long sing-along! Be Prepared to Let It Go, say Hakuna Matata, or just Bonjour to fellow Disney fans in a fun-filled environment where if you’ve Got A Dream or just a Friend In Me (well, each other), you’ll hit Zero to Hero fast if you can Go the Distance. You don’t want to miss this Once Upon a Dream opportunity!
The Doubleclicks Live in Concert
@ 4:00 PM in Garnet
The Doubleclicks live in concert! The Doubleclicks are a folk-pop music duo made up of siblings Laser and Aubrey. The siblings perform songs that are geeky, snarky, sweet, and uplifting on their cello, ukulele, and meowing cat keyboard. The latest Doubleclicks album, The Book Was Better, has songs about video games, gender identity, and trying to get away from the internet. The Doubleclicks’ songs are for everybody and tend to be especially appreciated by nerds, queer folks, kids, and the rad folks who helped fund the production of their new album on Kickstarter. This community has helped make three of their previous albums Billboard-charting successes.
SassyBlack Live in Concert
@ 7:00 PM in Garnet
SassyBlack live in concert! SassyBlack is a multifaceted creative force with a focus on the performing and literary arts. Hailing from Seattle, this goddess of “electronic psychedelic soul” and “hologram funk” explores sound through deep compositions. Sassy’s musical journey is available for listening and purchase through Bandcamp, Spotify, and all other streaming platforms.

Bungie Game Devs, 1 Thing Today (Panel)
@ 10 AM in Samus
Have you ever met someone whose current occupation is your dream job? This panel is meant to cut to the core of helpful advice for those who are in middle school to recent college grads and are interested in careers like the ones earned by our talented team at Bungie. Panelists with different positions and backgrounds will each discuss the one thing they’d recommend future game devs in their field should start trying today. What are the most important resources, tools, methods, skills, or experiences that you can immediately start tackling? Come to this panel to find out.
Let’s Play Battletech with the Mercenary Commanders of Harebrained Schemes
@ 10:30 AM in Rey
Join local game developers from Harebrained Schemes as they play through the latest expansion of BATTLETECH, talk about their experiences developing this hugely successful title, and answer your questions about making video games and getting into the games industry.
Tabletop Live! Tanya Takes Her Friends to Hell—We Mean Avernus!
@ 12:30 PM in Rey
Featured guest Tanya DePass leads a crew through a merry chase in Avernus. Will they survive? Come and find out!
Sneak Peak of Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem
@ 3:00 PM in Rey
Join HeR Interactive as we play the all-new mystery adventure title – Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem. Learn more about this highly anticipated game, managing an iconic brand, guiding the creative process, and what it’s like to work at this award-winning local game developer! Please join us as time is short—and Nancy must find the answers before the clock strikes midnight.
Keep an eye on our meet-ups schedule (all located in Shuri!)
- Crafters @ 10:00 AM
- Stranger Things @ 11:30 AM
- Meet a Game Industry Pro @ 1:00 PM
- A Networking Event for Mavens-in-the-Making @ 2:30 PM
- Marvel + DC Mashup Meetup @ 4:30 PM
- My Favorite Murder @ 6:00 PM
- Doctor Who @ 7:00 PM

Pitching Like A Rockstar
@ 10:00 AM in Furiosa
Maximize your pitching skills and get the most out of professional encounters! We’ll help you distill your work into a manageable sentence and deliver it with aplomb while sharing strategies to build professional self-confidence and counter impostor syndrome. Learn to better sell yourself and your work while supporting your fellow creatives as they do the same!
Mini Battle Bots: Reign Robotics
@ 11:30 AM in Furiosa
Build your own Mini Battle Bots using toothbrush heads, very small motors, and fun decorations! Reign Robotics Members will walk participants through the process of making these cute little robots functional. Participants will then have the opportunity to put their creations to work on an obstacle course, in a maze, or in a sumo-style ring.
Worldbuilding Through the Lens of Environmental Science: Build a Predator
@ 2:00 PM in America
We discover new and amazing worlds by observing nature. As a fantasy author, whether you’re building a single monster or an entire fantasy world, that work always begins through considering relationships within the natural world. Making a fantasy animal can cascade organically into the development of a world and other creatures. In this workshop, we’ll build a fantasy predator by considering some of the physical needs and habitat questions that impact animals here in our world.
Cosplay Figure Drawing
@ 6:30 PM in America
Join us for a figure drawing session with live models! Participants will draw several models cosplaying various characters in 1, 5, and 15 minute poses.
Tell us about your day on social!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr to follow along. Post your own con-happenings using #GGC19!
Take a look at our entire programming schedule online or by using the guidebook app—we’ll see you soon!